Army Strong Videos

Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist Sergeant King

Looking to the Future

Sergeant Igor Tyapugin (Reserve, Enlisted), talks about job role/experience/benefits - Army taught him to be a leader, to become a sergeant you need to go through warrior leadership course (WLC) where you practice Leadership which will be ...

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Looking to the Future

Sergeant Igor Tyapugin (Reserve, Enlisted), talks about job role/experience/benefits - Army taught him to be a leader, to become a sergeant you need to go through warrior leadership course (WLC) where you practice Leadership which will be ...

SGT Igor Tyapugin: I've always been a strong person, but the Army Reserve has taught me to be a leader. I'm a Sergeant, and in order to be a Sergeant, you have to go to WLC, which is Warrior Leadership Course.
I have three people in my squad, and I practice leadership skills I've learned every time I come to Post.
The leadership skills I've learned in the Army Reserve will definitely be beneficial to me in the future.
A few years from today, I see myself running my own business or working in the corporate world. I'm talking about things that I'm going to carry with me for the rest of my life.
If I were to tell anybody who's considering joining the Army Reserve, I'd say "go for it."
I could have probably learned similar qualities in the civilian world, but the experience I got from the Army Reserve using those qualities is something that's irreplaceable.
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