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Checklist of Major Project Questions for DAs to Use During Planning / Environment Stages

This document from October 2005 identifies the kinds of questions that an FHWA Division Administrator should be asking early in the project planning process when upon becoming aware of a major project taking shape in his or her state. These questions should be revisited periodically, as the project becomes further refined throughout the Planning and Environmental stages.


FHWA Major Project Guidance Memorandum

Section 1904 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) amended 23 U.S.C. 106 and made several significant changes to the requirements for Major Projects. The monetary threshold for classification as a Major Project was lowered from an estimated total cost of $1 billion to $500 million or greater. A Project Management Plan (PMP) and a Finance Plan are required for all Major Projects. In addition, projects with a total cost between $100 million and $500 million, while not classified as Major Projects, require the preparation of Finance Plans that must be made available to FHWA upon request. A memo dated January 19, 2007 announces the issuance of this final guidance, which includes a series of questions and answers to provide guidance for complying with the Major Projects requirements.


Large Project Management and Oversight Report to: The Senate Subcommittee on Transportation, Treasury and General Government and the House Subcommittee on Transportation, Treasury and Independent Agencies

This report dated May 15, 2003 responds to a request from the Joint Explanatory Statement of the Committee of Conference accompanying the 2003 Consolidated Appropriations Resolution that FHWA develop a strategy for achieving a more multi-disciplinary approach towards large project management and oversight activities.


Major Projects Report to Congress 2008
This report provides a three-page summary of the milestones achieved for major highway projects in 2008, together with a review of the activities of the FHWA Major Projects Team in 2008. The report also includes a 23-page table providing information on all 69 major project being tracked by FHWA in 2008.


Major Projects Report to Congress 2009
This report provides a summary of the milestones achieved for major highway projects in 2009, together with a review of the activities of the FHWA Major Projects Team in 2009. The report also includes a 26-page table providing information on all 77 major project being tracked by FHWA in 2008.


Major Projects Report to Congress 2010
This report provides a summary of the milestones achieved for major highway projects in 2010, together with a review of the activities of the FHWA Major Projects Team in 2010.


Manual for Oversight Managers

The FHWA Resource Manual for Oversight Managers provides guidance, training resources, tools, and best practices to assist Oversight Managers in effectively carrying out their duties on Major projects. Topics covered include overall project administration and oversight, analysis of information concerning the status of the project, review and acceptance of the Financial Plans, and FHWA status report requirements.