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Financial Plans

FHWA Financial Plans Guidance (January 2007)

This FHWA document, released in January 2007, provides details on the Financial Plan process for all projects receiving Federal financial assistance, as mandated by existing legislation. Specified in this guidance document are: content requirements for the IFP and Annual Updates (Cost Estimate, Implementation Plan, Financing & Revenues, Cash Flow, Risk Identification & Mitigation Factors); financial forecast guidelines and submittal and approval schedules. Also provided is a sample Major Project financial plan.

In this document, references are made to the FHWA "Major Projects Team." Please note that the FHWA has since renamed this team to "Project Delivery Team" and should now be referenced as such.

Woodrow Wilson Bridge Project 2010 Financial Plan Annual Update and Letter

This document is the ninth annual update to the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Project's Initial Financial Plan, which was approved in September 2001. The annual update of the Initial Financial Plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements outlines in FHWA's January 2007 Major Project and Financial Plan Guidance and provides detailed cost estimates to complete the project, estimates of the financial resources to be utilized to finance the project fully, and schedule data as of September 30, 2010. This document has been developed as an addendum to the Initial Financial Plan, as well as its subsequent annual updates. Together these documents provide a complete picture of the project's finances.

Contingency Fund Management for Major Projects

Currently, one of the major problems in the delivery of projects lies in the underestimation of project construction and related costs. Contingency funding is an important fiscal planning tool for managing the risk of cost escalations and covering potential cost estimate shortfalls. In this document, the practice of risk assessment and regulations regarding the setting of contingency levels in transportation improvement projects are discussed.

2010 MOT 75 FMP update (28 updated)

This document is an example of a well-developed financial plan update that meets the requirements of the Financial Plan Guidance issued by the Federal Highway Administration. This is the 2010 Financial Plan Update for the Montgomery IR 75 Reconstruction Project, as submitted to the FHWA by the Ohio Department of Transportation. This financial plan update presents the financial position of the project (including cash flows, detailed cost and funding estimates) and provides an accurate basis upon which to schedule and fund its completion.