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Project Profiles

Missouri Safe and Sound Bridge Improvement Program


State of Missouri

Project Sponsor / Borrower

Missouri State Department of Transportation (MoDOT)

Jefferson City

Program Areas

Innovative FinanceP3




There are 10,249 bridges on the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) system with at least 1,093 in Condition 3 (serious) or Condition 4 (poor). The intention of the Missouri Safe and Sound Bridge Improvement Program is to replace or rehabilitate 802 bridges - currently in serious or poor condition - over a five-year period.

Of the 802 bridges, 248 bridges have been selected by MoDOT for rehabilitation. These bridges are currently being put out to bid in groups based on location, type or repair work, or project size.

The remaining 554 bridges are scheduled for replacement. MoDOT has grouped these individual projects into one single Design-Build contract. KTU Construction has been selected to complete the construction of these bridges by December 31, 2013.


Total Program Cost Estimate: $700 million

Bridges for reconstruction: $487 million (KTU contract quoted price)

Funding Sources

Indirect GARVEE bonds (Federal Reimbursement State Road Bonds)

Project Delivery / Contract Method

Design-Bid-Build (Rehabilitation)

Design-Build (Replacement)

Private Partner

Design-Build Contractor: KTU Constructors team

  • Kiewit Western Company
  • Traylor Bros., Inc.
  • United Contractors, Inc.
  • HNTB Corporation
  • The LPA Group, Inc.

Project Advisors / Consultants




Duration / Status

As of May 2011, the rehabilitation of 179 bridges (out of 248) has been completed. The design-build contractor has completed the construction of 231 new bridges (out of 554).

Financial Status

MoDOT sold indirect GARVEE bonds to pay for the program, with 23 annual payments of approximately $44 million, which is about one-third of the Federal-aid bridge replacement funds it receives each year. These bonds are considered indirect GARVEE bonds because Missouri pledged all Federal-aid construction reimbursements when it issued its debt.


  • The Program was originally envisioned as a Design-Build-Finance-Maintain project. However, the economic downturn in 2008 made such a procurement process less feasible and a different delivery method was devised. In September 2008, the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission (MHTC) directed MoDOT to advance with the program in its current form, resulting in savings of more than $500 million over the previous contract model.
  • The rehabilitation of the 248 bridges is also innovative as it is being contracted via a modified design-bid-build approach where bridges are grouped by location, size or type of improvement. This allows for expedition of the construction schedule.

Related Links / Articles

MoDOT Project Webpage


Robert Brendel
Outreach Coordinator/Program Delivery
Missouri Department of Transportation
105 W. Capitol Avenue
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Tel. (573) 751-8717