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Green Power Leadership Awards

EPA co-sponsors the Green Power Leadership Awards in conjunction with the Center for Resource Solutions (CRS). The awards serve to recognize the leading actions of organizations, programs, suppliers, and individuals that significantly advance the development of green power sources. Nominations are typically collected in late spring for that year’s award event, which is usually held the following fall in conjunction with the Renewable Energy Markets Conference. Award winners are self nominated or nominated by another party. For EPA award nomination instructions, please visit the Nomination Process Web page. Additional details about the conference can be found on the conference website. To receive partnership and awards updates, please contact us and indicate your interest in receiving the Green Power Planet Newsletter.

Learn more about the awards.

Award Categories

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Center for Resource Solutions
Purchaser Awards Supplier Awards Market Development Awards
Green Power Partner of the Year Green Power Supplier of the Year Best Green Power Education Outreach Program
Green Power Community of the Year Innovative Green Power Program of the Year Best Marketing Campaign by a Green Power Purchaser
On-site Generation   Best Marketing Campaign by a Green Power Supplier
Green Power Purchasing   Green Power Leader of the Year

EPA Purchaser Award Categories

  • Green Power Partner of the Year: Recognizes Partners who distinguish themselves through their purchase, leadership, overall strategy, and impact on the green power market.
  • Green Power Community of the Year: Recognizes EPA Green Power Communities that distinguish themselves through their green power usage, leadership, citizen engagement, renewable energy strategy, and impact on the green power market.
  • On-site Generation: Recognizes Partners who distinguish themselves using on-site renewable energy applications including, but not limited to, solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy projects.
  • Green Power Purchasing: Recognizes Partners who distinguish themselves through purchases of green power from a utility green-pricing program, a competitive green power marketer, or a renewable energy certificate (REC) supplier.

EPA Supplier Award Categories

  • Green Power Supplier of the Year: Recognizes green power suppliers (utilities, retail suppliers, REC marketers, renewable energy project developers) that are leaders in offering voluntary renewable energy to their customers.
  • Innovative Green Power Program of the Year: Recognizes green power suppliers (utilities, retail suppliers, REC marketers, renewable energy project developers) that are leaders in designing and implementing innovative voluntary renewable energy offerings.

Center for Resource Solutions Market Development Awards

  • Best Marketing Campaign by a Green Power Supplier: Recognizes an innovative marketing campaign by a green power supplier. Marketing materials and themes that are inventive and original will be recognized. Materials used across all media (print, radio, TV, Web, and collateral materials) are eligible for entry.
  • Best Green Power Education Outreach Program: Recognizes effective and unique outreach programs focusing on education related to green power. This award will honor work that spreads the word about the environmental benefits of green power and efforts to boost public interest in renewable energy.
  • Best Marketing Campaign by a Green Power Purchaser: Recognizes an outstanding promotional campaign by a purchaser of green power. This award will honor a company or organization that has purchased or generated green power and has actively promoted their use of green power internally or externally in an innovative or compelling way.
  • Green Power Leader of the Year: Recognizes outstanding leadership by an individual who is leveraging their influence, power, position, or purchasing power to expand the prevalence of renewable energy

What does winning an EPA Green Power Leadership Award mean to an organization?

An EPA Green Power Leadership Award offers significant opportunities for recipients:

  • Demonstrate your environmental leadership
    "Green power purchases are an effective and important way we can implement renewable energy sources as we work to reduce our carbon footprint. As an EPA Green Power Leadership Award winner, we have increased our purchases that are applied company-wide, and reached 100 percent green power at the beginning of 2010." - Ken Bonning, Kohl’s Executive Vice President of Store Planning and Logistics
  • Receive EPA recognition
    "EPA’s Green Power Leadership award winners are raising the bar for green power purchasing. By using renewable energy, they are helping our environment by leading our national transition to clean energy; they are a model for others to follow." - Susan Wickwire, Chief, EPA Energy Supply & Industry Branch
  • Become part of a prestigious group
    "We are proud to receive this prestigious award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Purchasing green power is one way we are working to achieve our goal of reducing our environmental footprint." - Angela Nahikian, Director, Global Environmental Sustainability, Steelcase Inc.
  • Seize the opportunity to promote participation in the Green Power Partnership
    "We’re thrilled to be part of the EPA’s Green Power Partnership. It’s an unprecedented opportunity for us to integrate this meaningful and long-lasting environmental initiative into our operations." - Brad Haeberle, Vice President and Sustainability Council Chair, Siemens Industry, Inc.’s Building Technologies Division
  • Be featured at the Renewable Energy Markets Conference
    Award winners will be recognized at the industry’s paramount annual gathering attended by leading renewable energy and green power industry stakeholders.

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