Army Strong Videos

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The Foundation of a Leader

Captain Philip Romanelli (Reserve, Officer), talks about experience/benefits - civil role as consultant. Describes why he joined ROTC (you get to serve your country in a direct and immediate way), ROTC experience (a continuuum of how activ...

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  • Staff Sergeant Kenneth Kinlaw

    Balancing the Army Reserve and the civilian life it’s difficult at times but ver...

    Staff Sergeant Kenneth Kinlaw
  • Second Lieutenant Ingrid Alvarez

    What inspired me to join the Army Reserve was mainly the focus that I was lookin...

    Second Lieutenant Ingrid Alvarez
  • Specialist Luis Estrada

    I joined the Army Reserve about approximately a years and a half ago. I served e...

    Specialist Luis Estrada
  • First Lieutenant Bryce Matson

    I joined the Army Reserve after commissioning as an officer in 2007. I decided t...

    First Lieutenant Bryce Matson
  • Delta Company 425h

    Delta Company 425h Civil Affairs Battalion will be deploying in support of Opera...

    Delta Company 425h
  • Episode 7:

    Watch how the Army keeps up with the highest standards of journalistic integrity...

    CATEGORY: Career & Jobs

    TAGS: Broadcast Journalist Civil Affairs Officer

    Episode 7:
  • Marlene Garcia

    See how the Army Reserve helped Marlene achieve her goals and ambitions.

    CATEGORY: Army Reserve

    TAGS: Army Reserve Civil Affairs

    Sgt Marlene Garcia
    Marlene Garcia
  • Giving Back

    Sergeant Marlene Garcia (Reserve, Enlisted), talks about job role/experience/b...

    CATEGORY: Army Reserve

    TAGS: Civil Affairs Army Reserve

    Giving Back
  • A Professional Edge

    Sergeant Marlene Garcia (Reserve, Enlisted), talks about job role/experience/be...

    CATEGORY: Army Reserve

    TAGS: Army Reserve Civil Affairs

    A Professional Edge
  • Getting Over the Wall

    Sergeant Marlene Garcia (Reserve, Enlisted), talks about experience/benefits - ...

    CATEGORY: Army Reserve

    TAGS: Army Reserve Civil Affairs

    Getting Over the Wall
  • Opportunity

    Major Phillip Romanelli (Reserve, Officer), talks about job role/experience/bene...

    CATEGORY: Army Reserve

    TAGS: Army Reserve Risk Management

  • The Foundation of a Leader

    Captain Philip Romanelli (Reserve, Officer), talks about experience/benefits - c...


    TAGS: ROTC Civil Affairs

    The Foundation of a Leader
  • The Strength to Take Charge

    Captain Philip Romanelli (Reserve, Officer), talks about job role/experience/ben...


    TAGS: ROTC Civil Affairs

    The Strength to Take Charge
  • Serving When Needed

    Captain Philip Romanelli (Reserve, Officer), talks about experience/benefits - d...


    TAGS: ROTC Civil Affairs

    Serving When Needed
  • Balancing Work and Life

    Captain Philip Romanelli (Reserve, Officer), talks about job role/experience/ben...


    TAGS: ROTC Civil Affairs

    Balancing Work and Life
Showing  of 

The Foundation of a Leader

Captain Philip Romanelli (Reserve, Officer), talks about experience/benefits - civil role as consultant. Describes why he joined ROTC (you get to serve your country in a direct and immediate way), ROTC experience (a continuuum of how activ...

My name is Philip Romanelli. I'm a consultant for RGS Associates in the Washington, D.C. area. I'm also a Captain in the U.S. Army Reserve.
I joined ROTC when I was 18. I wanted to enroll in Army ROTC for a variety of reasons. There's a chance to service your country in a very direct and immediate way.
The nice thing about Army ROTC?the way it is at most universities and colleges?is that there is a continuum of how active you want to be.
While I was a cadet and while I was in Army ROTC at Princeton, I had the opportunity to go to Airborne School. It was an exceptionally interesting and worthwhile experience.
I think that Army ROTC and the Army Reserve in general has given me a lot more confidence. I've developed a rigorous way of thinking that I think the Army tends to inculcate in people, and that's been invaluable in my civilian career.
For those of us who did go into Army ROTC and those of us who remain as Army Reserve Soldiers, I think all of us feel as though we would have missed out a great part of our college experience had we not been Cadets.
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