The Chairman

A photo of The Chairman of ACUS, Paul R. Verkuil
Paul R. Verkuil

Paul R. Verkuil (Ver-kile), the tenth Chairman of the Administrative Conference of the United States, was sworn in by Vice President Biden on April 6, 2010. The Conference was revived by Congress in 2009 after a 15-year hiatus. President Obama named the 10 member Council on July 8, 2010, saying, “ACUS is a public-private partnership designed to make government work better.” The 50 government and 40 public members, along with the Council and Chairman, form the 101 member Conference. The Conference meets twice a year in June and December in Plenary sessions to make consensus driven recommendations to improve government processes and procedures.

Mr. Verkuil is a well-known administrative law teacher and scholar who has coauthored a leading treatise, Administrative Law and Process, now in its fifth edition, several other books (most recently, Outsourcing Sovereignty, Cambridge Press 2007), and over 65 articles on the general topic of public law and regulation. A Festschrift held in his honor in October 2010 was recently published at 32 Cardozo Law Review 2159 (2011). Starting in 1972 when Antonin Scalia was Chairman, Verkuil published six consultant studies for the Conference.

He is President Emeritus of the College of William & Mary, has been Dean of the Tulane and Cardozo Law Schools, and a faculty member at the University of North Carolina Law School. He is a graduate of William & Mary and the University of Virginia Law School and holds a JSD from New York University Law School. Among his career highlights is serving as Special Master in New Jersey v. New York, an original jurisdiction case in the Supreme Court, which determined sovereignty to Ellis Island. He is a Life Member of the American Law Institute and the Fellows of the American Bar Foundation.


High-Res Photo of the Chairman

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View the Chairman’s 75th Anniversary Office of the Federal Register talk at the National Archives. (Courtesy of NARA.)

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