Energy Action Month 2011

Energy Action Month 2011 pushes Federal agencies to turn words into action, and action into results.

Building on the President's March 30, 2011, Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future, DOE went beyond energy awareness to spur action to save energy, water, and money for American taxpayers. To encourage this call to action, DOE requested the current Energy Awareness Month to rename to National Energy Action Month. As a result, President Barack Obama declared October 2011 Energy Action Month.

This change is supported by FEMP work on institutional and behavior change. A group of social scientists leading this work are currently developing guidance, resources, and tools to support agencies in implementing their Strategic Sustainability Performance Plans and transitioning energy awareness campaigns to action.

As such, FEMP offers the following materials and ideas to promote energy-saving practices at Federal facilities. These materials, such as posters, carry a central theme and other energy outreach messages.

Energy Action Month 2011

The 2011 Energy Action Month theme is Turn Words into Action; Turn Action into Results. Wise energy attitudes, behaviors, and organizational decisions ensure results. Take time to review your daily routine to conserve energy, empower others to take action, and join together to save energy and money. Participate in site-specific energy action programs, expand existing activities, and align efforts with your agency's Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan (SSPP).

Now is the time to act with urgency to achieve a clean and secure energy economy and save taxpayer dollars. Turn awareness into action. Turn intent into investment. Turn opportunities into outcomes.

Outreach Materials and Resources

Energy Action Month 2011 outreach materials and resources remind Federal employees to switch off unnecessary lights and equipment; use efficient FEMP-designated, ENERGY STAR®-qualified, and WaterSense labeled products; and drive fuel-efficient vehicles. Outreach materials include:

  • Posters: Encourage you to Turn Words into Action; Turn Action into Results to save energy and money.

  • Fiscal Year Calendars: Reminds you to act every day of the year to save energy and money.

  • Light Switch Covers: Turn it off, leave it off! Remember to turn out the lights as you leave a room you to save energy, save money, and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Special project posters will also be sent to select recipients, highlighting Federal projects and employees that take extraordinary actions to save energy, money, and resources. Federal agencies participating in You Have the Power campaigns receive these materials.

Campaign materials and energy action messages are available to help promote energy action. These messages can be e-mailed year-round as an easy, cost-free tactic to spread energy awareness and action. Current and past campaign materials are available for download.

2011 Power Kit

Help spread the word by distributing promotional materials and conducting energy awareness and action campaigns. Federal agencies can print their own materials using high-resolution graphics on the 2011 A Power Kit: Energy Awareness Resources CD. The CD also contains the Creating an Energy Awareness Program handbookPDF, You Have the Power core graphics, and current Energy Action Month campaign pieces.

FEMP's frequently asked questions are helpful for getting ideas for energy awareness and action approaches and activities. In addition, FEMP offers tips on how to save energy at your office, facility and in your home. And the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Savers Consumers Guide offers tips on energy efficiency and renewable energy.