U.S. Social Security Administration, Office of Policy.
Social Security Programs Throughout the World: Europe, 2006


Exchange rate: US$1.00 equals 0.58 pounds (£).

Old Age, Disability, and Survivors

Regulatory Framework

First laws: 1925 (old-age) and 1935 (old-age and survivors).

Current laws: 1971 (social assistance); 1978 (social insurance), with 2003 amendment; and 1984 (attendance and invalid care).

Type of program: Social insurance and social assistance system.


Social insurance: Employed and self-employed persons.

Voluntary coverage for nonemployed persons younger than age 20, married women, and widows who were covered by their husband's insurance.

There are no special systems for any specified groups of employees.

Social assistance and disability income-tested allowances: All persons residing in Guernsey.

Source of Funds

Insured person: 6% of gross earnings.

The minimum weekly earnings for contribution purposes are £97.

The maximum weekly earnings for contribution purposes are £693.

The insured's contributions also finance sickness, maternity, work injury, and unemployment benefits; prescription medicines; long-term care; and some medical services.

Voluntarily insured persons contribute 9.9% of annual income for old-age, disability, and survivor benefits; sickness and maternity benefits; prescription medicines; long-term care; and some medical services (4.2% of annual income for health care only; 2.6% of annual income for long-term care and medical benefits only).

The minimum annual income of a nonemployed person for contribution purposes is £12,610.

The maximum annual earnings for contribution purposes are £36,036.

Self-employed person: 10.5% of gross earnings.

The minimum annual earnings for contribution purposes are £5,044.

The maximum annual earnings for contribution purposes are £36,036.

The self-employed person's contributions also finance sickness, maternity, and work injury benefits; prescription medicines; long-term care; and some medical services.

Employer: 5.5% of payroll.

The minimum weekly earnings for contribution purposes are £97.

The maximum weekly earnings for contribution purposes are £693.

The employer's contributions also finance sickness, maternity, work injury, and unemployment benefits; prescription medicines; long-term care; and some medical services.

Government: A grant equal to 50% of total contribution receipts and the total cost of social assistance and other noncontributory benefits; contributes as an employer.

Qualifying Conditions

Old-age pension: Age 65 with at least 156 paid contributions since 1952 and an annual average of 10 paid or credited weekly contributions in the 45-year period between age 20 and age 65. The full pension is paid for an annual average of at least 50 paid or credited weekly contributions.

Partial pension: The pension is proportionately reduced for an annual average of between 10 and 49 paid or credited weekly contributions.

Contributions may be credited for persons who are not working in order to care for a child younger than age 16.

Retirement from paid employment is not required.

Early pension: There is no early pension.

Deferred pension: There is no deferred pension.

The old-age pension is payable abroad.

Disability pension (invalidity benefit): The insured must be assessed as incapable of any work and have at least 26 paid weekly contributions. The benefit is payable after entitlement to cash sickness benefits ceases.

The disability pension is payable abroad.

Attendance allowance (income-tested): Paid after 3 months of severe disability (special conditions apply if the person is terminally ill). The person was born in Guernsey or has been resident in Guernsey for at least 5 years. The allowance is subject to an annual income ceiling of £69,000.

Invalid care allowance (income-tested): Paid to a person caring for a severely disabled person for 35 or more hours a week and earning less than £97 a week from employment. The allowance is subject to an annual income ceiling of £69,000.

Bereavement payment (survivor grant): The deceased had an annual average of at least 10 paid or credited weekly contributions between age 20 and the year of death. The benefit is payable to all widow(er)s. The survivor must have been married to the deceased.

The bereavement payment is paid in addition to other survivor benefits that the survivor may be entitled to.

Widowed parent's allowance: The deceased had an annual average of at least 10 paid or credited weekly contributions between age 20 and the year of death. The allowance is payable to a surviving spouse with at least one dependent child. The survivor must have been married to the deceased.

Bereavement allowance: The deceased had an annual average of at least 10 paid or credited weekly contributions between age 20 and the year of death. The allowance is payable to a surviving spouse aged 45 to 64 with no dependent children who was married to the deceased.

Death grant: The deceased had an annual average of at least 10 paid or credited weekly contributions between age 20 and the year of death and 26 weekly contributions paid or credited since 1971. The grant is payable on the death of the insured, his or her spouse or surviving spouse, or his or her child.

All survivor payments, allowances, and grants are payable abroad.

Supplementary benefits (income-tested): Payable to persons older than age 60, disabled persons, persons caring for a family member, or single parents. The benefit is subject to a weekly income ceiling of £287.

Old-Age Benefits

Old-age pension: The full weekly pension is £146.50 if the insured has an annual average of at least 50 paid or credited weekly contributions in the 45-year period between age 20 and age 65.

Partial pension: If the insured has an annual average of 10 to 49 paid or credited weekly contributions in the test period, the full weekly pension is proportionately reduced and varies between £31.10 and £143.50.

Dependent's supplement: The full weekly supplement for a dependent adult is £73.50; £9 is payable for each dependent child. The reduced weekly supplement varies between £16.25 and £72.00 for an annual average number of weekly contributions between 10 and 49.

Supplementary benefit (income-tested): The benefit is paid according to need and varies according to the family's situation and the number and age of dependents, up to a maximum of £287 a week.

Benefit adjustment: All old-age benefits are adjusted annually by the States of Guernsey on the recommendation of the Social Security Department.

Permanent Disability Benefits

Disability pension (invalidity benefit): The full weekly pension is £131.46 if the insured has at least 50 paid or credited weekly contributions in the relevant contribution year; with 26 to 49 paid or credited weekly contributions, the weekly pension is proportionately reduced and varies between £72.24 and £127.68.

The relevant contribution year for benefit claims made between January and June is 2 years before the year of the claim; for benefit claims made between July and December, 1 year before the year of the claim.

The disability pension is replaced by the old-age pension at age 65.

Attendance allowance: A weekly allowance of £75.25.

Invalid care allowance: A weekly allowance of £60.75.

Supplementary benefit (income-tested): The benefit is paid according to need and varies according to the family's situation and the number and age of dependents, up to a maximum of £287 a week.

Benefit adjustment: All disability benefits are adjusted annually by the States of Guernsey on the recommendation of the Social Security Department.

Survivor Benefits

Bereavement payment (survivor grant): A lump sum of £1,330 is paid if the deceased had an annual average of at least 50 paid or credited weekly contributions between age 20 and the year of death; with 10 to 49 paid or credited weekly contributions, the lump sum is proportionately reduced and varies between £266 and £1,303.

Widowed parent's allowance: The weekly allowance is £154.25 if the deceased had an annual average of at least 50 paid or credited weekly contributions between age 20 and the year of death; with 10 to 49 paid or credited weekly contributions, the weekly allowance is proportionately reduced and varies between £65.75 and £152.

The widowed parent's allowance ceases on remarriage or cohabitation.

The widowed parent's allowance is replaced by the old-age pension at age 65.

Bereavement allowance: The weekly allowance is £132.50 if the deceased had an annual average of at least 50 paid or credited weekly contributions between age 20 and the year of death; with 10 to 49 paid or credited weekly contributions, the weekly allowance is proportionately reduced and varies between £26.50 and £129.75.

The bereavement allowance is replaced by the old-age pension at age 65.

Death grant: A lump sum of £420 is paid if the insured had an annual average of 45 to 52 paid or credited weekly contributions between age 20 and the year of death; £315 with 30 to 44 paid or credited weekly contributions; £210 with 10 to 29 paid or credited weekly contributions.

Supplementary benefit (income-tested): The benefit is paid according to need and varies according to the family's situation and the number and age of dependents, up to a maximum of £275 a week.

Benefit adjustment: All survivor benefits are adjusted annually by the States of Guernsey on the recommendation of the Social Security Department.

Administrative Organization

Social Security Department (http://www.gov.gg) administers the program.

Sickness and Maternity

Regulatory Framework

First laws: 1964 (sickness), 1971 (maternity), and 1972 (medicines).

Current laws: 1971 (social assistance); 1978 (social insurance), with 1999 (maternity) and 2003 amendments; 1990 (medical benefits); and 2002 (long-term care).

Type of program: Social insurance (cash benefits), social assistance (means-tested benefits), and universal (medical benefits and long-term care) system.


Cash sickness and maternity benefits: Employed and self-employed persons with weekly earnings of £97 or more.

Voluntary coverage for nonemployed persons younger than age 20, married women, and widows who were covered by their husband's insurance.

There are no special systems for any specified groups of employees.

Long-term care benefit: All persons resident in Guernsey for at least 5 years, including the year immediately before the year of the claim.

There are no special systems for any specified groups of employees.

Medical benefits: All persons residing in Guernsey.

Source of Funds

Insured person: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors, above.

Self-employed person: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors, above.

Employer: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors, above.

Government: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors, above. The total cost of supplementary benefits.

Qualifying Conditions

Cash sickness benefits: Must have at least 26 weeks of paid contributions since 1965 and at least 26 paid or credited weekly contributions in the relevant contribution year.

The relevant contribution year for benefit claims made between January and June is 2 years before the year of the claim; for benefit claims made between July and December, 1 year before the year of the claim.

Cash maternity allowances: Must have at least 26 paid or credited weekly contributions in the relevant contribution year.

The relevant contribution year for benefit claims made between January and June is 2 years before the year of the claim; for benefit claims made between July and December, 1 year before the year of the claim.

Maternity grant: Must be insured and ordinarily resident.

Long-term care benefit: The insured has been resident in Guernsey for 5 years at any time and 1 year immediately before receiving long-term care benefit. The person receives residential care or nursing care.

Sickness and Maternity Benefits

Sickness benefit: The full weekly benefit is £107.94 if the insured has at least 50 paid or credited weekly contributions in the relevant contribution year; with 26 to 49 weekly contributions, the weekly benefit is proportionately reduced and varies between £59.22 and £104.58.

The benefit is payable for up to 26 weeks.

Maternity allowance: The full weekly benefit is £107.94 if the insured has at least 50 paid or credited weekly contributions in the relevant contribution year; with 26 to 49 weekly contributions, the weekly allowance is proportionately reduced and varies between £59.22 and £104.58.

The allowance is paid for 18 consecutive weeks starting between 1 and 11 weeks before the expected date of birth, depending on the insured's choice.

Maternity grant: A lump sum of £271.

Long-term care benefit: The benefit is £312.50 a week for residential home care and £581 a week for nursing home care. (The beneficiary must make a weekly copayment of £140.)

There is no limit to duration for long-term care benefits.

Workers' Medical Benefits

Acute hospital accommodation is provided by the government. Specialist medical services are provided by specialist group practices contracted to the government.

Cost sharing: A flat-rate fee of £2.50 is charged for medical prescriptions. There is no charge for persons older than age 64 or for social assistance beneficiaries and their dependents. £12 is paid for the cost of each medical consultation with an approved doctor in the surgery or at home; £6 for a nurse consultation.

Dependents' Medical Benefits

Acute hospital accommodation is provided by the government. Specialist medical services are provided by specialist group practices contracted to the government.

Eligible dependents are the insured's children. Insured nonworking spouses are covered in their own right.

Cost sharing: A flat-rate fee of £2.50 is charged for medical prescriptions. There is no charge for persons older than age 64 of for social assistance beneficiaries and their dependents. £12 is paid for the cost of each medical consultation with an approved doctor in the surgery or at home; £6 for a nurse consultation.

Administrative Organization

Social Security Department (http://www.gov.gg) administers cash benefits.

Health and Social Services Department administers hospital benefits.

Work Injury

Regulatory Framework

First law: 1925.

Current law: 1978 (social insurance), with 2003 amendment.

Type of program: Social insurance system.


Employed and self-employed persons.

Voluntary coverage is not possible.

There are no special systems for any specified groups of employees.

Source of Funds

Insured person: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors, above.

Self-employed person: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors, above.

Employer: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors, above.

Government: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors, above.

Qualifying Conditions

Work injury benefits: There is no minimum qualifying period.

Temporary Disability Benefits

Temporary disability benefit (industrial injury): The weekly benefit is £107.94 for up to a maximum of 26 weeks; thereafter, the insured may be entitled to receive the full disability pension (see Old Age, Disability, and Survivors, above) until reaching pensionable age.

Permanent Disability Benefits

Permanent disability benefit (industrial disablement): If the insured's assessed degree of disability is 100%, the weekly pension is £118; the benefit is proportionately reduced for an assessed degree of disability of less than 100%. No benefit is paid if the assessed degree of disability is less than 20%.

The degree of disability is assessed by a medical board.

Benefits are also provided under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors and Sickness and Maternity, above.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted annually by the States of Guernsey on the recommendation of the Social Security Department.

Workers' Medical Benefits

Acute hospital accommodation is provided by the government. Specialist medical services are provided by specialist group practices contracted to the government.

There is no cost sharing.

Survivor Benefits

Bereavement payment (survivor grant): A lump sum of £1,330 is paid if the deceased had an annual average of at least 50 paid or credited weekly contributions between age 20 and the year of death; with an annual average of 10 to 49 paid or credited weekly contributions, the lump sum is proportionately reduced and varies between £266 and £1,303.

Widowed parent's allowance: The weekly allowance is £154.25 if the deceased had an annual average of at least 50 paid or credited weekly contributions between age 20 and the year of death; with an annual average of 10 to 49 paid or credited weekly contributions, the weekly allowance is proportionately reduced and varies between £65.75 and £152.

If the deceased had an annual average of less than 10 paid or credited contributions and his or her death was the result of a work injury, the minimum number of contributions used for benefit calculation purposes is 10.

Bereavement allowance: The weekly allowance is £132 if the deceased had an annual average of at least 50 paid or credited weekly contributions between age 20 and the year of death; with an annual average of 10 to 49 paid or credited weekly contributions, the weekly allowance is proportionately reduced and varies between £26.50 and £129.75.

The allowance is payable to a surviving spouse aged 45 to 64 with no dependent children who was married to the deceased.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted annually by the States of Guernsey on the recommendation of the Social Security Department.

Administrative Organization

Social Security Department (http://www.gov.gg) administers the program.


Regulatory Framework

First law: 1964.

Current law: 1978 (social insurance), with 2003 amendment.

Type of program: Social insurance system.


Employed persons with weekly earnings of £97 or more.

Exclusions: Self-employed and nonemployed persons.

Source of Funds

Insured person: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors, above.

Self-employed person: Not applicable.

Employer: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors, above.

Government: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors, above.

Qualifying Conditions

Unemployment benefits: Must have at least 26 weeks of paid or credited weekly contributions. The full benefit is paid with at least 50 paid or credited contributions in the relevant contribution year; with less than 50 paid or credited weekly contributions, the benefit is proportionately reduced.

The relevant contribution year for benefit claims made between January and June is 2 years before the year of the claim; for benefit claims made between July and December, 1 year before the year of the claim.

The insured must register at a job center each week to confirm his or her availability for work. The insured may be disqualified for 10 weeks for leaving employment voluntarily, misconduct, or refusing a suitable work offer.

Unemployment Benefits

The weekly benefit is £103.74 if the insured has at least 50 paid or credited weekly contributions in the relevant contribution year; with 26 to 49 weekly contributions, the weekly benefit is proportionately reduced and varies between £59.22 and £104.58.

The benefit is paid for up to 180 days.

Requalification for benefit requires 13 new weeks of employment with at least 20 hours of work a week.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted annually by the States of Guernsey on the recommendation of the Social Security Department.

Administrative Organization

Social Security Department (http://www.gov.gg) administers the program.

Family Allowances

Regulatory Framework

First law: 1943.

Current law: 1950 (family allowances).

Type of program: Universal system.


All persons residing in Guernsey with one or more children.

Source of Funds

Insured person: None.

Self-employed person: None.

Employer: None.

Government: Total cost.

Qualifying Conditions

Family allowances: The child must be younger than age 16 (age 20 if a student). The claimant was born in Guernsey or has been resident in Guernsey for at least 52 weeks in the last 2 years.

Family Allowance Benefits

Family allowance: £12.75 is paid weekly for each child to the parent or guardian.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted annually by the States of Guernsey on the recommendation of the Social Security Department.

Administrative Organization

Social Security Department (http://www.gov.gg) administers the program.

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