Investments in Afghanistan (Taken Question)

Taken Question
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
June 30, 2010


Question: Please provide the level of U.S. private investments currently in Afghanistan?

Answer: Comprehensive foreign direct investment (FDI) statistics for Afghanistan are unavailable. According to the Commerce Department and State Department’s Investment Climate Statement report for Afghanistan, available figures are not reliable because of inconsistencies in data collection. The United Nations 2009 World Investment Report estimates FDI flow into Afghanistan in 2008 at USD 300 million and total FDI stocks at USD 1,365 million, representing 11.3% of GDP. According to the Afghan Investment Support Agency (AISA), the largest investors were Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, the United States, Iran, China, Pakistan, India, Kenya, and the United Kingdom. AISA's data track approved, rather than actual, investment.

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PRN: 2010/877


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