On The Publication of the Bloody Sunday Inquiry Report

Press Statement
Philip J. Crowley
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Public Affairs
Washington, DC
June 15, 2010


The United States welcomes the publication of the Bloody Sunday Inquiry report and acknowledges the work of those who have contributed to this very important process, including all those who testified. It is our hope that the scale of the inquiry, the quantity of material available, and its findings will contribute to greater understanding and reconciliation of what happened on that tragic day.

We recognize the deep and enduring pain of those who lost loved ones on Bloody Sunday and throughout Northern Ireland’s conflict in all communities. The United States will continue to stand by those who are working toward building a peaceful and pluralistic society. We hope that the completion of the independent inquiry's work and publication of its report will contribute to Northern Ireland's ongoing transformation from a turbulent past to a peaceful future.

PRN: 2010/798


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