Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, DipNote Blog

-07/12/12   Investing in Security: Program Develops New Generation of Humanitarian Demining Leaders
-06/19/12   South Sudan Integrated Mine Action Service Brings Security to War-Torn Communities
-06/14/12   Economic Statecraft: Defense Trade Builds Diplomatic Relationships
-06/08/12   Surviving the Peace: New Film Highlights Lingering Challenges in Laos
-04/24/12   Strengthening Security Partnerships Across the Asia-Pacific
-04/06/12   Counter Piracy: Global Community Gathers to Take Action
-04/05/12   Burundi Takes on Marking Small Arms After Successfully Clearing Landmines
-03/26/12   Afghanistan: New Air Force Takes Wing
-03/13/12   Iraq: Building Partnership Though Conventional Weapons Destruction
-03/05/12   Liberating Libya from Explosive Remnants of War

-12/19/11   Promoting Security Through Conventional Weapons Destruction and Humanitarian Demining
-12/12/11   U.S.-Funded Program Offers New Hope for Afghanistan's Landmine Survivors
-12/07/11   U.S. Support for Humanitarian Demining
-11/17/11   Promoting Security and Defense Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region
-11/08/11   Azerbaijan: Humanitarian Demining Helps Communities Recover
-11/07/11   Saving Lives and Limbs in Mozambique
-10/11/11   Peru: Decade of U.S. Support Builds Self-Sufficient Humanitarian Mine Action Program
-10/09/11   Promoting Peacekeeping in the Asia-Pacific
-08/15/11   Breaking New Ground: Female Humanitarian Demining Teams Foster Recovery in Sri Lanka
-07/18/11   Paying it Forward: Training A New Generation of Landmine Clearance Leaders
-07/13/11   Counter-Piracy Contact Group Meets in New York
-05/16/11   Bringing Pirates to Justice
-05/04/11   United Arab Emirates: Forging a Common Approach to Maritime Piracy
-04/04/11   Increasing African Capacity To Promote Peace and Security
-03/25/11   Counter Piracy: Global Community Gathers to Take Action
-02/24/11   Iraq in Transition: Dispatches From the Frontlines of Diplomacy
-02/14/11   Afghanistan: U.S. Conventional Weapons Destruction Team Clears More Than Landmines
-02/09/11   U.S. Supports Estonian Demining Efforts
-02/07/11   Croatia: U.S. Humanitarian Effort Turns Mines Into Vines
-01/04/11   In Sudan, Saving Lives Through Weapons Destruction Programs
-12/29/10   Central America: Free From Landmine Impact
-12/17/10   In Iraq, Building Capacity To Address Landmines and Unexploded Munitions
-12/16/10   Reducing Conventional Weapon and Munition Stockpiles in Southeast Europe
-11/19/10   Iraq: U.S. Training for Basra Prosthetic Project
-11/18/10   Diplomats and Military Partner To Train and Equip Peacekeepers
-11/09/10   Making Progress in Combating Piracy Off the Horn of Africa
-11/02/10   U.S. Helps Former Child Soldier Protect Communities in Cambodia Through Humanitarian Mine Action
-09/03/10   Iraq: Catching the "Spirit of Soccer" in Kirkuk
-08/24/10   Countering Piracy: International Partnership Achieves Steady Progress
-08/03/10   "To Walk the Earth in Safety": Progress in Conventional Weapons Destruction
-06/30/10   Vietnam: Political-Military Dialogue Reflects Growing U.S. Relationship
-06/21/10   Bosnia and Herzegovina: Promoting Security By Destroying Conventional Weapons
-06/07/10   Pakistan: U.S. Security Assistance Programs Help Address Shared Challenges
-06/01/10   Afghanistan: Building Partnerships Through Humanitarian Mine Action
-05/12/10   Piracy: Building International Partnerships To Bring Pirates to Justice
-05/05/10   Haiti: U.S. Support for International Peacekeeping Helps Promote Recovery
-04/19/10   Jordan: U.S. Humanitarian Mine Action Supports Football Festival
-04/05/10   Afghanistan: U.S. Humanitarian Mine Action Helps Revive Deserted Town
-03/09/10   Safeguarding the Seaways: Increasing Cooperation Means Decreasing Success for Pirates
-03/01/10   Yemen: U.S. Effort Helps Landmine Survivors Realize a Better Tomorrow
-02/23/10   Papua New Guinea: U.S. Experts Help Bougainville Clear World War II Era Munitions
-02/04/10   Peacekeeping: International Forum Helps Turn Talk into Action
-12/16/09   Peacekeeping Offers New Opportunities for U.S.-China Relations
-12/11/09   U.S.-Colombian Collaboration Brings Stability to the Countryside
-12/01/09   President Obama on the Way Forward in Afghanistan and Pakistan
-11/30/09   U.S. Is a World Leader in Humanitarian Mine Action
-11/12/09   Philippines: Conventional Weapons Destruction Partnership Promotes Security
-11/05/09   Mozambique: U.S. Humanitarian Mine Action Opens New Opportunities
-10/21/09   Partners in Peace: U.S. Initiative Trains and Equips Nearly 87,000 Peacekeepers
-10/16/09   International Counter Piracy Effort Confronts Criminals on the High Seas
-09/24/09   U.S. Promotes Security by Training and Equipping Foreign Peacekeepers
-09/17/09   Safeguarding the Seaways: Counter-Piracy Contact Group Meets in New York
-09/16/09   Afghanistan: Landmine Clearance Safeguards Communities One Square Kilometer at a Time
-09/03/09   Sri Lanka: Humanitarian Mine Action Helps Families Return Home
-08/09/09   Travel Diary: Humanitarian Mine Action Promotes Post-Conflict Recovery in Angola
-08/04/09   Travel Diary: Partnership for Peace—Working With African Nations To Strengthen Peacekeeping
-06/23/09   Community-Based Demining Links Development and Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan
-06/09/09   Counter-Piracy Contact Group Meets in New York
-05/26/09   Safeguarding the Seaways From Piracy
-04/15/09   Secretary Clinton Announces Counter-Piracy Initiatives


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