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You are here: Land > North America > United States
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See also Science in your back yard: Arizona

Results 1 - 10 of 21 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Land subsidence and aquifer-system compaction in the Tucson Active Management Area, south-central Arizona, 1987-2005 [New Window]
Results of ground-surface monitoring and borehole water table measurements document subsidence of the land surface correlative with changes in the ground water.
Detection and analysis of open space change in Yavapai and Southern Mohave Counties, Arizona [New Window]
Digital image maps documenting the amount of change in open space between 1984 and 1997 within the study area and document where these changes have occurred in order to effectively evaluate change in big game habitat.
Desert tortoise research at Western Ecological Research Center (WERC) [New Window]
Links to research studies, conservation information, and general information on desert tortoises at the Western Ecological Research Center in Sacramento, California.
Southwest Information Node (SWIN) [New Window]
The Southwest Information Node of the National Biological Information Structure (NBII) provides links to research data, maps, and information on public lands including plant and animal natural resources, ecosystems, and invasive species.
National Coal Resource Assessment: Geologic assessment of coal in the Colorado Plateau: Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah [New Window]
Coal resources, stratigraphy, geochemistry, coal quality and geology of coal in the Colorado Plateau, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. Text in PDF format and available on CD-ROM.
Western Region geologic information [New Window]
Links to geologic information on western states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada and Oregon including information on coastal and marine geology, mineral resources, earthquakes, landslides, earthquake hazards and geologic maps.
Dissolved solids in basin-fill aquifers and streams in the southwestern United States [New Window]
Invasive species research [New Window]
Links to research projects that will improve the ability to detect, monitor, and predict the effects of invasive species, including exotic animals, on native ecosystems of the Pacific Southwest (California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona).
An interpretation of the 1977 Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) survey, Fort Huachuca vicinity, Cochise County, Arizona [New Window]
Complex report on the interpretation of aeromagnetic data to study hydrogeology of the San Pedro basin, Cochise County, Arizona determining geologic structure, basin fill and depth to water. Online version of a CD-ROM publication.
Use of remotely sensed image data to automatically map wind erosion vulnerability (eolian mapping) and rainfall mapping [New Window]
Links to remote sensing images monitoring wind erosion and rainfall in Arizona.
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