Bitterroot Range, Montana
Wind Turbines, Palm Springs, CA Happy Angler, Alaska Sage Grouse Strutting, Wyoming Livestock on Hillside, Montana Oil 'Donkey', New Mexico
BLM>Laws, Regulations, Policies
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BLM Regulatory Actions

We invite you to submit your comments on the Proposed Regulations Now Open for Comments via

Regulatory Actions

Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Open for Comment
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Extension Closed for Comment
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Closed for Comment --updated 4/30/07
Proposed Rules Open for Comment
Proposed Rules Extension of Comment Period Closed
Proposed Rules Closed for Comment -- updated7/24/07
Further Proposed Rules Open for Comment
Further Proposed Rules Closed for Comment
Notice of Intent Closed for Comment

Notice of Interim Final Supplementary Rules Closed for Comment

 Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Open for Comment

Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Extension of Comment Period Closed

Proposed Rules Open for Comment

Further Proposed  Rules Open for Comment

Further Proposed Rules Closed for Comment

Proposed Rules Extension of Comment Period Closed

Proposed Rules Closed for Comment

Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Closed for Comment

Notice of Intent Closed for Comment

Notice of Interim Final Supplementary Rules Closed for Comment

Proposed Rules Open for Comment

  • None 

Further Proposed Rules Open for Comment

  • None

Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Open for Comment


  • None

Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) Extension Closed for Comment

    1. Complete a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for a commercial leasing program for oil shale and tar sands resources on public lands, with emphasis on the most geologically prospective lands with Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming; and
    2. Publish a final rule establishing such program, not later than 180 days after completion of the PEIS.  On May 18, 2006, BLM published a final rule for the leasing of tar sands.

As an aid in preparing the proposed rule to establish an oil shale commercial leasing system and regulate oil shale mining operations, we encourage members of the public to provide comments and suggestions on the following key components--

    • royalty rate;
    • fair market value for conversion of preference right acreage and for commercial leasing;
    • diligence;
    • royalty determination point; and
    • small tract leasing.

See Section III of the ANPR for a list of specific questions relating to these topics.

Advance Notice of Proposed  Rulemaking (ANPR) Comment Period Closed 

  • 43 CFR Part 3800--Surface Management (Federal Register, February 23, 2007, 72 FR 8139-8149).  The comment period for the ANPR closed on April 24, 2007.

    This ANPR relates to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) surface management regulations for mining operations authorized by the Mining Law.  In a previous Federal district court proceeding, environmental groups challenged the BLM's regulations on surface management under the Mining Law in 43 CFR subpart 3809, issued by the Department in 2001, in part, because the regulations did not require fair market value payment for use of Federal lands for mining operations when the lands are "invalidly claimed" or "unclaimed under the Mining Law.  For the most part the Court upheld the 3809 regulations, but remanded them in part to the Department "for evaluation, in light of Congress's expressed policy goal for the United States to 'receive fair market value of the use of the public lands and their resources."'  This ANPR is intended to assist the BLM in the evaluatoin ordered by the Court.
  • 43 CFR Parts 2800 and 2880--Update of Linear Right-of-Way Rental Schedule  (Federal Register, April 27, 2006, 71 FR 24836-24838).  The comment period for the ANPR closed on May 30, 2006.

The BLM requested comments and suggestions to assist in the writing of a proposed rule to update the linear right-of-way rental schedule in 43 CFR Parts 2800 and 2880.  The rental schedule covers most linear rights-of-way granted under Section 28 of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended, and Title V of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1920, as amended.  Both laws require the holder of a right-of-way to pay annually, in advance, the fair market value to occupy, use or traverse public lands for facilities such as power lines, fiber optic lines, pipelines, roads, and ditches.

Section 367 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 directs the Secretary of the Interior to update the per-acre rental fee schedule found in 43 CFR 2806.20.

Notice of Intent Closed for Comment

  • None

Proposed Rules--Extension of Comment Period Closed

  • None

Notice of Interim Final Supplementary Rules Closed for Comment

The interim final supplementary rules published in this notice include prohibitions of specific activities and types of activities--

    • Public nudity on Public Lands within the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area.
    • Unauthorized organized activities, including musical events and band concerts, shows, organized parties.
    • Riding in open truckbeds where there are no proper means of securing passengers.

The comment period is closed for the following proposed regulations.

Further Proposed Rules Open for Comment

  • None

Further Proposed Rules Closed for Comment

  • None