U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
A - Z Index:
      A Journal for Health Professionals working with American Indians and Alaska Natives

1990 Index

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A Horse of Course! JUN
A Message from the Director: The IHS QMI Initiative MAY
A Research Agenda for Indian Health Part 4 Oral Health JAN
A Research Agenda for Indian Health Part 5 Chronic Disease MAR
A Research Agenda for Indian Health Part 6 HIV/AIDS JUN
AIDS/HIV, A Research Agenda for Indian Health Part 6 JUN
Acute Iron Overdose in Pregnancy AUG
Adolescent Health: Child Health Day OCT
Adult Immunizations, AIHCA Urban Clinics JUL
Alcohol: Preventing Birth Defects: FAS Update MAY
Alcohol: Today I Visited an Aleut Village: Observations on Preventing FAS SEP
Alcohol: Tuba City FAS Prevention Program APR
Aleut: Observations on Preventing Fetal Alcohol Syndrome SEP
American Indian Health Care Assoc Clinics, Adult Immunizations JUL
Amputations (Lower Extremity) at the Phoenix Indian Medical Center DEC
Amputations in Diabetic Native Americans AUG


Birth Defects, Preventing FAS MAY
Birth Defects, Tuba City FAS Prevention Program APR
Birth Defects, Today I Visited an Aleut Village: Observations on Preventing FAS SEP


Cancer, Oral and Oropharyngeal MAY
Carbon Monoxide Poisonings, Medical Alert (insert) APR
Carbon Monoxide Poisonings During Native American Religious Ceremonies on the Navajo Reservation DEC
Caring for the Patient with Progressive Renal Disease JUL
Check-Up the Horse JUN
Child Health Day OCT
Chronic Disease, A Research Agenda for Indian Health Part 5 MAR
Clinical Advances in the Management of Pain APR
Clinical Support Center, Responsibilities of the IHS APR
Computers: PCC Information Retrieval Capabilities Expanded MAR
Consolidating Our Focus: Strengthening Native American Families JUL
Continuing Education Notes OCT
Continuing Education, Identifying CE Needs at Your Facility- NOV
Correction of 9/89 Article on Diabetes, Letter to the Editor FEB


Defensible Medical Record, Risk Management JUN
Dental: A Research Agenda for Indian Health Oral Health JAN
Dental: Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer MAY
Dental: Periodontal Conditions Before and After Dental Prophylaxis in Diabetic Indians DEC
Descriptive Epidemiology of a Rare Neuropathic Syndrome in Navajo Children MAY
Diabetes, Zunis, and Exercise APR
Diabetes: Letter to the Editor: Correction of 9/1989 Article FEB
Diabetes: Lower Extremity Amputations at PIMC DEC
Diabetes: Periodontal Conditions in Diabetic Indians DEC
Diabetic Native Americans, Amputations in AUG
Diabetic Patients, Influenza Vaccination of OCT
Dietary Changes in a Northern Minnesota Indian Community in the Last Fifty Years SEP
Disease Prevention: HealthNet: The IHS Experience MAR
Disease Prevention: Tuba City FAS Prevention Program APR
Documentation: The Defensible Medical Record JUN


Epidemiology of a Rare Neuropathic Syndrome in Navajo Children MAY
Epidemiology: Measles Transmission, Prevention, and Control in Medical Settings OCT
Exercise, Zunis, and Diabetes APR
Eyes: Factors Affecting Use of an IHS Clinic FEB
Eyes: The Health Status of Native American FEB


FAS: Today I Visited an Aleut Village: Observations on Preventing FAS SEP
Factors Affecting Use of an IHS Clinic FEB
Families, Consolidating Our Focus: Strengthening Native American JUL
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Update, Preventing Birth Defects MAY
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Tuba City FAS Prevention Program APR
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Today I Visited an Aleut Village: Observations on Preventing FAS SEP
Fiscal Year 1991 Health Objective (Portland Area) NOV


Gonococcal Conjunctivitis in a 15-Year-Old: A Case Report NOV


HIV/AIDS, A Research Agenda for Indian Health Part 6 JUN
Headquarters Responds to Questions from the Field JUN
Health Status of the Native American Eye FEB
HealthNet: The IHS Experience MAR
Hospital Workload, FY 1987 and 1988 JAN
Human Resource Development: Increasing Group Productivity MAY
Human Resource Development: Increasing Group Productivity JUL
Human Resource Development: Increasing Group Productivity JUN
Human Resource Development: Increasing Group Productivity JAN
Human Resource Development: Increasing Group Productivity APR
Human Resource Development: Increasing Group Productivity MAR
Human Resource Development: Increasing Group Productivity FEB


IHS Clinical Support Center, Responsibilities of the APR
IHS Experience with HealthNet MAR
IHS Headquarters Responds to Questions from the Field JUN
IHS Hospital Workload, FY 1987 and 1988 JAN
IHS Program Statistics: Injuries Among American Indians and Alaska Natives NOV
IHS Research Agenda (Letter to the Editor) MAY
IHS: A Message from the Director, The IHS QMI Initiative MAY
Identifying Continuing Education Needs at Your Facility NOV
Immunization Status of Native American Adults (Portland Area) NOV
Immunization: Fiscal Year 1991 Health Objective (Portland Area) NOV
Immunization: Measles Transmission, Prevention, and Control in Medical Settings OCT
Immunizations, Adult, AIHCA Urban Clinics JUL
Immunizations: Influenza Vaccination of Diabetic Patients OCT
Increasing Group Productivity MAY
Increasing Group Productivity JUL
Increasing Group Productivity JUN
Increasing Group Productivity JAN
Increasing Group Productivity APR
Increasing Group Productivity MAR
Increasing Group Productivity FEB
Indian Dietary Changes in a Northern Minnesota Indian Community in the Last Fifty Years SEP
Infectious Disease: Fiscal Year 1991 Health Objective (Portland Area) NOV
Infectious Disease: Gonococcal Conjunctivitis in a 15-Year-Old NOV
Infectious Disease: Immunization Status of NA Adults NOV
Infectious Disease: Influenza Vaccination of Diabetic Patients OCT
Infectious Disease: Measles Transmission, Prevention, and Control in Medical Settings OCT
Influenza Vaccination of Diabetic Patients OCT
Injuries Among American Indians and Alaska Natives NOV
Iron Overdose in Pregnancy, Acute AUG


Kudos to Authors JUN


Letter to the Editor, IHS Research Agenda MAY
Letter to the Editor, Teen Pregnancies MAY
Letter to the Editor: Correction of 9/1989 Article on Diabetes FEB
Lower Extremity Amputations at the Phoenix Indian Medical Center DEC


Management of Pain, Clinical Advances in the APR
Measles Transmission, Prevention, and Control in Medical Settings OCT
Medical Alert: Carbon Monoxide Poisonings (insert) APR
Medical Record, Risk Management JUN


Native American Eye, The Health Status of FEB
Native American Families, Strengthening JUL
Native American, Adult Immunizations, AIHCA Urban Clinics JUL
Native Americans, Amputations in Diabetic AUG
Native Americans, Injuries Among NOV
Navajo Reservation, Carbon Monoxide Poisonings During Native American Religious Ceremonies on the DEC
Navajo: Rare Neuropathic Syndrome in Navajo Children MAY
Neuropathic Syndrome in Navajo Children MAY
Nutrition: Dietary Changes in a Northern Minnesota Indian Community in the Last Fifty Years SEP


Ophthalmology: Gonococcal Conjunctivitis in a 15-Year-Old NOV
Ophthalmology: Health Status of the Native American Eye FEB
Optometry: Factors Affecting Use of an IHS Clinic FEB
Oral Health, A Research Agenda for Indian Health Part 4 JAN
Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer MAY
Oral: Periodontal Conditions Before and After Dental Prophylaxis in Diabetic Indians DEC
Overdose in Pregnancy, Acute Iron AUG


PCC Information Retrieval Capabilities Expanded MAR
Pain, Clinical Advances in the Management of APR
Patient Care Component (PCC) Information Retrieval MAR
Patient Register: Tracking Special Needs Children JAN
Periodontal Conditions Before and After Dental Prophylaxis in Diabetic Indians DEC
Poisonings, Carbon Monoxide, Medical Alert (insert) APR
Poisonings: CO Poisonings During Native American Religious Ceremonies DEC
Portland Area, Immunization Status of Native American Adults NOV
Pregnancies, Teen, We Can Reduce the Number of MAR
Pregnancy, Acute Iron Overdose in AUG
Preventing Birth Defects: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Update MAY
Prevention and Early Detection, Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer MAY
Prevention: Adult Immunizations, AIHCA Urban Clinics JUL
Prevention: Child Health Day OCT
Prevention: Consolidating Our Focus: Strengthening NA Families JUL
Prevention: Fiscal Year 1991 Health Objective (Portland Area) NOV
Prevention: HealthNet: The IHS Experience MAR
Prevention: Immunization Status of NA Adults (Portland Area) NOV
Prevention: Influenza Vaccination of Diabetic Patients OCT
Prevention: Injuries Among American Indians and Alaska Natives NOV
Prevention: Measles Transmission, Prevention, and Control in Medical Settings OCT
Prevention: Periodontal Conditions Before and After Dental Prophylaxis in Diabetic Indians DEC
Prevention: Today I Visited an Aleut Village: Preventing FAS SEP
Prevention: Tuba City FAS Prevention Program APR
Prevention: Using a Community Survey to Determine Health Action Priorities OCT
Prevention: We Can Reduce the Number of Teen Pregnancies MAR
Priorities, Using a Community Survey to Determine Health Action OCT
Program Statistics: Hospital Workload, FY 1987 and 1988 JAN
Program Statistics: Injuries Among American Indians and Alaska Natives NOV
Progressive Renal Disease, Caring for the Patient with JUL


Quality Management Initiative: A Message from the Director MAY


Rapport: A Horse of Course! JUN
Register: Tracking Special Needs Children JAN
Renal Disease, Caring for the Patient with Progressive JUL
Research Agenda (Letter to the Editor) MAY
Research Agenda for Indian Health Part 4 Oral Health JAN
Research Agenda for Indian Health Part 5 Chronic Disease MAR
Resource and Patient Management System: PCC Information MAR
Responsibilities of the IHS Clinical Support Center APR
Risk Management, Good Documentation: The Defensible Medical Record JUN


STD: Gonococcal Conjunctivitis in a 15-Year-Old NOV


Teen Pregnancies, (Letter to the Editor) MAY
Teen Pregnancies, We Can Reduce the Number of MAR
Today I Visited an Aleut Village: Observations on Preventing FAS SEP
Toxicology: Acute Iron Overdose in Pregnancy AUG
Toxicology: CO Poisonings During Native American Religious Ceremonies DEC
Toxicology: Carbon Monoxide Poisonings (insert) APR
Tracking Special Needs Children in a Busy Service Unit JAN
Tuba City FAS Prevention Program APR


Using a Community Survey to Determine Health Action Priorities OCT


VD: Gonococcal Conjunctivitis in a 15-Year-Old NOV


We Can Reduce the Number of Teen Pregnancies MAR


Zuni: Using a Community Survey to Determine Health Action Priorities OCT
Zunis, Diabetes, and Exercise APR

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