U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
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      A Journal for Health Professionals working with American Indians and Alaska Natives

1987 Index

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AIDS and Native Americans (letter) FEB
AIDS, HIV Infections in Health Care Workers JUL
AIDS, Native Americans With SEP
AIDS, Pulmonary Implications JUN
Aberdeen Area IHS, Current TB Standards of Care NOV
Accident Prevention JAN
Accident Prevention, in the Preschool Child AUG
Accidents, Leading Cause of Death for the Tohono O'Odham OCT
Acute Blindness in Quinine Sulfate Toxicity JUN
Adolescent Pregnancy FEB


Beyond Survival: Health Challenges in Native American Communities AUG
Blindness in Quinine Sulfate Toxicity JUN
Blood Glucose, Self-Monitoring JUN


Cervical Cancer Screening SEP
Cherokees, Notes on Health Status of Adult DEC
Cheyenne, Northern, Evaluation of Parent Drop-In Center JAN
Chlamydia trachomatis (letter) MAR
Clinical Support Center, "Who Are Those Guys?" MAY
Continuing Education Credits for Programs You Plan NOV
Credits, Continuing Education, for Programs You Plan NOV
Cultural Challenges in Nutrition Education Among American Indians APR
Current Prospects for the Elimination of Tuberculosis MAY
Current TB Standards of Care, Aberdeen Area IHS NOV


Diabetes Mellitis, NIDDM, Nutrition and Lifestyle MAR
Diabetes, How to Make a Register of Patients with JUL
Diabetes, Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose JUN
Discussion on Health Care Priorities FEB
Don't Forget TB in the Differential Diagnosis (letter) AUG
Drug Information, for Patients JUL


Ectopic Pregnancy, in Native Americans (letter) FEB
End Stage Renal Disease in Navajo Indians, 1971-1985 DEC
Evaluating health care service, Quality Assurance APR
Evaluation of Parent Drop-In Center, Northern Cheyenne Reservation JAN


Family Practice Residency Survey OCT
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Ind Adolescents and Adults with NOV


Health Care Workers, HIV Infections in JUL
Health Promotion at the Worksite: Weight Loss Competitions APR
History, Native American Health Gains FEB
History, Policy on Smoke-Free Facilities, IHS NOV
How to Make a Register of Patients with Diabetes Mellitis JUL
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Health Care Workers JUL


IHS Clinical Support Center, "Who Are Those Guys?" MAY
IHS FY Objectives FEB
IHS Facilities Become Smoke-Free SEP
IHS Privacy Act Procedures Manual Issued MAY
IHS Research Program NOV
IHS Special Initiatives Team JUL
IHS, Interventions Yield Native Health Gains FEB
IHS, Public Policy on Smoke-Free Facilities NOV
Indian Adolescents and Adults with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome NOV
Information, Native American Research Information Service OCT
Informed Consent, Risk Management JUN
Injuries: Leading Cause of Death for the Tohono O'Odham OCT
Injury Control JAN
Interventions Yield Native Health Gains FEB
Isoniazid Prophylaxis in the Elderly OCT


Mental Health, IHS Special Initiatives Team JUL


Native American Adolescents and Adults with FAS NOV
Native American Communities, Health Challenges in AUG
Native American Research Information Service OCT
Native American: Chlamydia trachomatis (letter) MAR
Native American: Ectopic Pregnancy (letter) FEB
Native American: Eval of Parent Drop-In Center on Northern Cheyenne Reservation JAN
Native Americans With AIDS SEP
Native Americans and AIDS (letter) FEB
Native Americans, Cervical Cancer Screening SEP
Native Americans, Interventions Yield Health Gains FEB
Native Americans, Neuropathic Syndromes on the Navajo Reservation OCT
Native Americans, Nondiabetic Renal Disease in Southwest DEC
Native Americans, Health Status of Adult Cherokees DEC
Native Americans, Tuberculosis Among NOV
Native Americans: Cultural Challenges Nutrition Education APR
Navajo Indians, 1971-1985, End Stage Renal Disease in DEC
Navajo Reservation, Neuropathic Syndromes on the OCT
Negligence, Risk Management MAR
Neuropathic Syndromes on the Navajo Reservation OCT
Nondiabetic Renal Disease in Southwestern Native Americans DEC
Noninsulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitis: Nutrition and Lifestyle MAR
Northern Cheyenne Reservation, Evaluation of Parent Drop-In Center JAN
Notes on the Health Status of Adult Cherokees DEC
Nutrition Education, Cultural Challenges Among American Indians APR
Nutrition and Dietetics Training Program NOV


Pap Smears, Cervical Cancer Screening SEP
Parent Drop-In Center, Evaluation of on Northern Cheyenne Reservation JAN
Patient Drug Information: The Basics JUL
Policy on Smoke-Free Facilities, IHS NOV
Pregnancy, Adolescent FEB
Pregnancy, Ectopic, in Native Americans (letter) FEB
Preventing Injuries JAN
Prevention of Accidents in the Preschool Child AUG
Prevention, Isoniazid Prophylaxis in the Elderly OCT
Prevention, Team Building for JUL
Priorities, Discussion on Health Care FEB
Privacy Act Procedures Manual Issued MAY
Public Policy on Smoke-Free Facilities NOV
Pulmonary Implications in AIDs JUN


Quality Assurance APR
Quinine Sulfate Toxicity, Acute Blindness in JUN


Rapid City PHS Indian Hospital, Smoking Survey SEP
Renal Disease, End Stage in Navajo Indians, 1971-1985 DEC
Renal Disease, Nondiabetic in SW Native Americans DEC
Research Program, IHS NOV
Research, Native American Research Information Service OCT
Rhabdomyolysis JAN
Risk Management JAN
Risk Management, #3 NOV
Risk Management, Informed Consent JUN
Risk Management, Negligence MAR
Role Strain: Physician Family Illness AUG


Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose JUN
Smoke-Free Facilities, Public Policy on NOV
Smoke-Free Society, Toward a SEP
Smoking Survey: Rapid City PHS Indian Hospital SEP
Standards of Care, TB, Current, Aberdeen Area IHS NOV
Stress, Role Strain: Physician Family Illness AUG
Survey, Family Practice Residency OCT


TB, Current Prospects for the Elimination of MAY
TB, Current Standards of Care, Aberdeen Area IHS NOV
TB, Don't Forget in the Differential Diagnosis (letter) AUG
TB, Isoniazid Prophylaxis in the Elderly OCT
Team Building for Prevention JUL
Tohono O'Odham, Injuries: Leading Cause of Death for the OCT
Toward a Smoke-Free Society SEP
Toxicity, Acute Blindness in Quinine Sulfate JUN
Training Program, Nutrition and Dietetics NOV
Tuberculosis Among American Indians and Alaska Natives NOV
Tuberculosis, Current Prospects for the Elimination of MAY


Weight Loss Competitions, Health Promotion at the Worksite APR
"Who Are Those Guys?", Descript of IHS Clin Support Center MAY

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