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Mid-Atlantic Clean Diesel Program

 More Clean Diesel Information 

In the Mid-Atlantic states and across the country, there is growing concern about pollution from diesel engines. We are all too familiar with the sight and smell of black soot that comes from some of our nation's trucks and buses. Diesel exhaust is not just a nuisance, it threatens public health. Numerous scientific studies indicate that exposure to pollution from diesel vehicles can cause cancer and other serious health problems. Diesel trucks and buses also emit significant amounts of nitrogen oxides, particulate matter (PM) and hydrocarbons (HC) that contribute to acid rain, ground level ozone and reduced visibility. However, diesel engines are a durable and economical source of power. EPA is working on a number of fronts to advance cleaner diesel engines. There are a number of things that you can do to contribute as well.

Check out the following information:

Compendium of Idling Regulations - Approximately 22 states and dozens of local counties have laws that limit the amount of time that a vehicle can idle its main engine. To learn more, see the American Transportation Research Institute's (ATRI's) current list of state and local laws.(PDF, 221KB, 10 pages, info about PDF)
Diesel Exhaust in the Mid-Atlantic States (PDF, 840KB, 4 pages, info about PDF)
Fact Sheet on School Bus Idling and Ways to Reduce Pollution (PDF, 590KB, 2 pages, info about PDF)
Fact Sheet on Long Duration Truck Engine Idling (PDF, 78KB, 1 page, info about PDF)
Charts Showing Nonroad and Highway Diesel PM2.5 Emissions in Region 3

What is Region 3 doing?

The Mid-Atlantic Clean Diesel Program is part of a national effort by EPA, states and other organizations to reduce diesel emissions to protect public health and reduce or eliminate the harmful effects of exposure to diesel emissions. The EPA Mid-Atlantic region is working to promote collaboration and coordination among various organizations on clean diesel projects within the region, and to raise awareness of activities underway and the need for additional diesel emission reduction projects in the region.

Biodiesel Production from Municipal Sewage Sludges (PDF, 652KB, 4 pages, info about PDF)

FY2009-2010 National Diesel Emission Reduction Grants (PDF, 15KB, 1 page, info about PDF)

Mid-Atlantic Diesel Collaborative Exit EPA Click for disclaimer

Region 3 Clean School Bus USA Program

Philadelphia Diesel Difference Exit EPA Click for disclaimer


For additional information contact Bill Jones (jones.bill@epa.gov) at 215-814-2023.

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