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Region 1: EPA New England

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont & 10 Tribal Nations

Grants & Funding in New England

Grants Information

EPA Grantee Forms

U.S. EPA New England Application Kit for Financial Assistance (PDF) (37 pp, 10MB, about PDF)
This application kit contains information on "How to apply for Federal Assistance".

Environmental Finance Program
Environmental Protection Agency has developed the Environmental Finance Program to assist communities in their search for creative approaches to funding their environmental projects

Specific Grants Information
Center for Environmental Industry & Technology, Drinking Water (SRF) State Revolving Fund, Environmental Education Grants, RCRA Grants

Quality Assurance Project Plan Training for First Time Grantees, EPA NE
If a grantee is required to prepare a quality assurance project plan (QAPP) as a condition of the grant, this powerpoint presentation provides helpful guidance in getting started.

Contracts and Procurement

Doing Business with EPA
This Web site provides Business Opportunities; EPA Acquisition Resources and Other Items of Interest

Environmental Accounting

EPA's Environmental Accounting Project
Environmental Accounting Program works closely with private sector partners to promote the incorporation of environmental considerations, including pollution prevention, at the front end of product, process, and decision systems design.

Environmental Economics

Economy and Environment
The Economy and Environment Program determines the economic benefits and costs of pollution control, the use of economic incentives for pollution control, and the size, composition, and impacts of the pollution control industry.

Benefits of 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & 10 Tribal Nations

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