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National Science Foundation
Engineers of the New Millennium
Robots for Real, The Global Water Challenge, The Energy Revolution Robots for Real The Global Water Challenge The Energy Revolution
Welcome to Engineers of the New Millennium, a radio series that tells stories from the frontiers of engineering. This radio series, developed as a partnership between IEEE Spectrum Radio and the National Science Foundation, is broadcast on public radio stations across the U.S. We invite you to explore these multimedia pages and learn about the possibilities for the future imagined by engineering researchers.

These researchers are investigating new phenomena, devising new capabilities and designing new technologies. Innovations in engineering can help us overcome challenges in sustainability, launch whole industries and help people enjoy happier and healthier lives. Through their dedication to creating and discovering cutting-edge solutions, engineers are at the forefront of shaping our new millennium.
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Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations presented in this material are only those of the presenter grantee/researcher, author, or agency employee; and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.