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Question: What is the M/A/N Map?


The M/A/N Map is a nine-cell routing table used for routing monographs, audiovisuals, and non-NLM journals lacking an NLM Unique ID.

Because no holdings records are available for these items, requests do not route automatically. They route according to the institutions entered in your library's M/A/N Map. Requests will be routed to NLM after the institutions entered in the M/A/N Map, unless you have selected "No" for your "Route to NLM" default. Any request placed via the Manual request function (DOCLINE / REQUESTS / Borrow / Manual) will route according to the M/A/N Map.

Your M/A/N Map can be found on the "DOCLINE Options" page in your institution's record. To edit your M/A/N Map:

  • Click on the Institutions tab at the top of the screen, and then click the "Update (LIBID)" button to edit your institution's information.
  • Click on the "DOCLINE Options" button in the sidebar on the left.
  • Click the "Edit M/A/N Map" link in the sidebar on the left, or click on the "Edit M/A/N Map" button in the Serial Routing area of the page. This will display the M/A/N Map work area.
  • See the "Updating your Institution" section in the online manual (click the Help link at the top of the DOCLINE screen) for complete instructions on managing your M/A/N map.

While placing a request, you can override your stored M/A/N Map routing on the "Routing Instructions" screen. You can delete a displayed LIBID or change any LIBID to another valid LIBID. You can also change the "NLM Delivery" selection to indicate whether NLM should be included in the routing sequence.

Related Questions:
When should I use the Manual request method?

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