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DOCLINE -- Requesting a New Library Group

Question: How do I request a new Library Group?


A library group must have at least eleven DOCLINE participants as members to be added to DOCLINE. If your proposed library group meets this criterion, please contact your Regional Medical Library with the following information:

  • Name of the Library Group. For example, "Basic Health Sciences Library Network".
  • LIBIDs of the eleven or more DOCLINE participants that would be members of the new group.
  • Unique Code for the Library Group. For example, "BHSL" (Unique Code cannot exceed 10 characters and cannot duplicate any existing LIBID or library group code in DOCLINE. Use Institutions search to verify that your Library Group Code is unique.)

You may contact your Regional Medical Library at 1-800-338-7657 in the United States or 1-800-668-1222 in Canada. Within DOCLINE, select Contact Us from the top menu and click "Contact Your RML" from the Contact DOCLINE page. You can also click "Contact Your RML" from the DOCLINE system page which is located at

A list of Regional Medical Libraries and the areas served by each is located at National Network of Libraries of Medicine which is available at

Related Questions:
How do I add my library to a Library Group?
How do I remove my library from a Library Group?

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