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DOCLINE -- Borrow Method

Question: Which borrow method should I use?


Under Requests / Borrow, use the request options in the following order moving from left to right:

1. UniqueKey:

If you already have a "PubMed UI" (Unique ID) enter those numbers in the PMID(s) field under Order PubMed citations in the UniqueKey option.
If you have a known NLM Unique Identifier (NLMUI), the bibliographic identifier from LocatorPlus, or the ISSN, ISBN, OCLC Number, the Full Journal Title/Title Abbreviation or the Truncated Journal Title/Title abbreviation), select from the drop-down box labeled Select Key: under Order LocatorPlus, and enter your Unique Keys one at a time.

2. PubMed:

Use PubMed to search for a "MEDLINE" citation.

3. LocatorPlus:

If you do not have a unique key, but you know the title is in the NLM database, search in LocatorPlus to identify the title. When you make your request, the bibliographic information and the required "LocatorPlus Unique Identifer" will automatically populate the correct fields in the DOCLINE request form when you select the DOCLINE Order button at the bottom of the screen.

4. Manual:

The Manual request option is available for instances where the journal title sought is not in the "NLM LocatorPlus" database. Manual requests do not route automatically because they do not link to an NLM bibliographic record. They route on your library's M/A/N map. Please only use the Manual option when the title is not in LocatorPlus.

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What is the M/A/N Map?

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