What is Cause Marketing? You may not be familiar with the term;cause marketin-, but chances are yo-ve experienced it' if not with your own business, then as a consumer. Have you ever added $1 to your grocery bill for a charitable donation? If so, yo've ...

Read More About How To Legally Partner with A Non Profit Organization

Financing Your Start Up with Venture Capital Venture capital refers to investments made into start-up or emerging companies with high potential for growth and return. Venture capitalists not only provide money, but also business planning expertise and assistance to ...

Read More About Venture Capital & Equity Capital Programs

While there is no such thing as;free mone- in business, if you operate a registered non-profit, you might be eligible for a government grant. In which case, you will need to get to is a freely available, government-operated online portal ...

Read More About Operate a Non-Profit?: Then Get to Know

The term bond - brings to mind an investment that returns interest income to the investor. But there are other types of bonds that have nothing to do with investing; they relate to business operations and function much like insurance. Understand what a bond is, when ...

Read More About Fidelity and Surety Bonds: Do You Need Them in Your Business?

Going green isn't just the responsibility of big industry; small business makes up half of the nation's private workforce and likewise consume half of its energy sources. Yet many businesses are deferring any plans to-go gree' because they see it as a ...

Read More About From the Home Office to Main Street: The Ultimate Guide to Green Small Business!

Do you know how you are going to exit your business? You may have a dream of going public, selling to the highest bidder, or retiring and handing over your business legacy to your family. Big dreams aside, the truth is that 66% of small business owners have no ...

Read More About Getting Out - Developing a Business Exit Strategy that Anticipates the Expected & the Unexpected