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PubMed Tutorial, United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Automatic Term Mapping (continued)



Details, a feature accessible from the results screen [Show Me] and the Advanced Search page [Show Me], is useful to see how PubMed translated your search. Sometimes you may find that PubMed interpreted your search in a way you had not expected. This may help you understand your retrieval and may also point out a misspelled word.

The Details page shows:

  • The search box with the actual strategy and syntax used to run the search. [Show Me]
    It may include MeSH vocabulary term mappings as well as mappings from the PubMed phrase index. The display will include any error messages, such as stopwords, truncation warnings, and misspellings.

  • The Result number displays the total number of retrieved citations for the current search and can be used to link to those results. [Show Me]

  • The Translations area shows how each term was translated. [Show Me]

The Details page does NOT show MeSH terms included by automatic explosion. For terms mapped to MeSH, find the term in the MeSH Database to discover any more specific terms automatically included in your search.

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Last reviewed: 17 August 2012
Last updated: 3 November 2011
First published: 20 March 2001
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