Our Work

Tanzanians is building food security with USAID support

Agriculture and Food Security

Through Feed the Future, the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative, USAID has focused its investments both geographically, within the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania, and on specific products such as rice, maize and horticulture. In partnership with the Government of Tanzania, donor partners, civil society and the private sector, USAID is improving the incomes of smallholder farmers as well as nutrition.

Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance

Governance is a cross-cutting priority integrated within all U.S. development assistance to Tanzania. Although it is one of the most politically stable and peaceful countries in Africa, corruption and poor delivery of government services remain a challenge. USAID builds on past achievements by increasing the capacity of civil society and strengthening the judicial system.  

Economic Growth and Trade

USAID is enhancing agricultural productivity and increasing Tanzania’s competitiveness in domestic and regional markets through the expansion of irrigation and market access by reducing transport costs for farm inputs and products. USAID also works to strengthen the financial systems and increase access to microfinance.


USAID improves the quality of primary education by targeting reading, math and science in teacher training, policy and management. USAID also focuses on increasing access to basic education and addressing the needs of disadvantaged children.


For more than a decade, USAID has partnered with Tanzanians to build livelihoods and manage natural resources by developing and implementing national environmental policies and supporting community-based conservation. USAID’s sustainable landscape approach targets critical ecosystems to sustain wildlife habitats, reverse land degradation, restore watersheds and improve community livelihoods through conservation enterprises.

Global Health

USAID is working with the Government of Tanzania to control malaria, prevent mother-to-child HIV/AIDS transmission, provide children with life-saving nutritional supplements, train health workers, improve maternal health facilities, and scale up voluntary family planning services. In addition, USAID is working with indigenous Tanzanian organizations to address women’s and girls’ empowerment.

Water and Sanitation

USAID supports water supply, sanitation and hygiene services to improve health and increase economic resilience of the poor in targeted rural areas and small towns.

Last updated: July 31, 2012