Environmental Contaminants Program
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Controlling Invasive Species in Chesapeake Marshlands Refuge Complex

Date Posted: October 4, 2006

Rachel Cliche, invasive species biologist for the Chesapeake Marshlands National Wildlife Refuge Complex in Maryland, has led the charge to control invasive species. Through her efforts and those of other staff and volunteers, over 700 acres of invasives have been treated during the field season in 2006. Complex staff and volunteers have treated the following species: Phragmites, mile-a-minute, Japanese honeysuckle, multiflora rose, wineberry, and Japanese stilt-grass.

Control efforts included chemicals, hand-pulling, mechanical methods, and even a new biological control using beetles on Garrett Island. In addition, volunteers and staff have mapped the distribution of invasive plants within the Complex and are working cooperatively with other partners to effectively locate and control invasive species.

Charles Traxler, 612-713-5313

Division of Environmental Quality, Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Last Updated: See Date Posted, Above