Innovative Manufacturing Initiative

image of carbon fiber

The Innovative Manufacturing Initiative seeks to develop transformational processes and materials such as low-cost carbon fiber. Photo credit: ©

"An American economy built to last will depend on American manufacturing, American energy, and skills for American workers."

U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu
February 23, 2012

The Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) launched the Innovative Manufacturing Initiative (IMI) to identify and focus investment in transformational manufacturing processes and materials. These innovations address core technical issues facing U.S. manufacturers—enabling significant gains in energy productivity, environmental performance, product yield, and economic growth.

AMO's technology research investments through this initiative directly support the national Advanced Manufacturing Partnership goal to secure U.S. leadership in manufacturing and clean energy technology. Through a competitive selection process, AMO has identified research teams to work on breakthrough technologies that will significantly reduce energy and carbon intensity, revitalize existing manufacturing industries, enable products with novel functionality, or open new markets.

The cost-shared IMI projects emphasize revolutionary new processes and materials that can be commercialized within the next five to seven years. See AMO News for June 12, 2012, for the announcement and summary list of projects. The initiative's original Funding Opportunity Announcement (IMI DE-FOA-0000560) is archived at EERE eXCHANGE.