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Displaying 1 – 25 of 772 Awards
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 2
Abstract: The ability of U.S. Forces to obtain accurate targeting information from real-time images is limited by time and physical constraints on computer systems. 21st Century Technologies has undertaken the FACTOR project to develop methods which negate these constraints by reducing the amount of data… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / STTR / 2006 / 2
Abstract: It is computationally infeasible to implement a complete Level 2/3-fusion solution that has detailed knowledge of all parts of an area of interest all the time. A staged approach is needed where the first stage implements a real time peripheral vision sensor analysis to identify asymmetric threats.… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 2
Abstract: Complex rules governing the release of intelligence to multiple coalition partners subject to treaties and organizational memberships (such as NATO) hinder our soldiers' ability to distribute critical intelligence to our allies and coalition partners in a timely fashion. 21st Century Technologies… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 2
Abstract: The objective of this Phase II effort is the development and operational test insertion of ATO-Stream, an effects-based tool, which supplies the Master Air Attack Plan (MAAP) Chief with a valid MAAP targeting plan for weapon-target pairing in a streaming real-time environment in support of dynamic… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 2
Abstract: The desire of the US Air Force to identify and strike Time Critical Targets (TCT) as quickly as possible, has resulted in increased research into sensors and armament for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), and into the algorithms required to support this new technology. When equipped with computer… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: The USAF is looking for a reliable, statistically quantifiable technique to predict the results of influence operations in such areas as PSYOPS, military deception, counterintelligence, public affairs, OPSEC, and etc. In response to this solicitation, 21st Century Technologies (21CT) proposes… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: The goal of this project is to provide Air Operations Managers with the ability to build and dynamically adjust an Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) plan. The output ISR tasking plan must meet the collection requirements necessary to develop the intelligence preparation of the… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: Current situational awareness methods on DoD networks focus on collecting ever-increasing amounts of network generated data while the resources to analyze it remain relatively fixed. The deployment of the Global Information Grid (GIG) will exacerbate this problem in expanding the size of defense… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: 21st Century Technologies, Inc. (21CT), leveraging our expertise and experience in threat, vulnerability, and criticality assessments throughout the Infrastructure Network, proposes GIAT, the Geographical Interdependency Awareness Tool, which will enable understanding interdependencies among… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / STTR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: 21st Century Technologies, in partnership with George Mason University, present Navigator, a system to inspect and analyze network traffic and configurations in order to prevent and detect intrusions. Navigator's graph-based representation will combine information about configuration (including… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: The United States Army is increasingly dependent on weapons platforms that rely on commercial off the shelf (COTS) hardware coupled with mission critical embedded software. Autonomous weapons platforms such as unmanned aerial reconnaissance vehicles and bomb/mine defusing robots are very effective… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 2
Abstract: The United States Army is increasingly dependent on weapons platforms that rely on commercial off the shelf (COTS) hardware coupled with mission critical embedded software. Autonomous weapons platforms such as unmanned aerial reconnaissance vehicles and bomb/mine defusing robots are very effective… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: While the advantages of the Global Information Grid (GIG) cannot be overstated, the challenge of maintaining security policies effectively is a daunting task. This huge network incorporates a diverse array of components and is designed to be highly dynamic and mobile. Asserting control over the… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: Adversaries of the United States are increasingly using non-traditional tactics and strategies to create a highly unpredictable and dangerous environment for military operations. To prepare for future adversary actions, the military leadership is employing synthetic battlespace environments for… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: The aim of this project is to research and develop Information Operations Stream (IO-Stream) a technology that will enable force synchronization to achieve a desired effect in high tempo, dynamic environments. IO-Stream is an extension of our existing, demonstrated air tasking order (ATO)… more
Company: ABM Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NSF / SBIR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project seeks to assess the feasibility of a completely new semiconductor radial heterostructure (e.g. CdTe/Au) with modulated composition and fabrication method for very low cost, highly efficient nanostructured solar cells application. This… more
Company: ACCORD SOLUTIONS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: Accord proposes a pioneering and innovative code-to-machine execution technology that preserves the encryption of executable instructions and data throughout all aspects of the execution cycle. At no time are instruction words or data values unencrypted.… more
Company: ACCORD SOLUTIONS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: The innovative in-chip sensor technology, integrated chip protection (ICP), proposed by Accord provides a new hardware design and production technique to delay reverse engineering and exploitation, denying an adversary information about the chip design. The target product is a device that secures… more
Company: 3 SIGMA RESEARCH, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 2
Abstract: The Satellite Ontology Fusion Investigation (SOFI) provides the methods and techniques to capture, describe and reason about complex attack data and their interrelations in the satellite domain. This approach provides the foundation to classify, tag, and fuse space-related information using an… more
Company: 3 SIGMA RESEARCH, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: This Phase I SBIR investigates and develops a system of software cyber-craft that monitor and defend large enterprise networks. This network of cyber-craft agents interoperates to collectively form a smart cyber sensor grid. Our approach incorporates three unique concepts: 1. Real-time dynamic… more
Company: ADAPTIVE MATERIALS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 2
Abstract: Adaptive Materials Inc. is proposing to further the development of a Phase I SBIR Power Manager. The Power Manager Phase I device has demonstrated the ability to efficiently manage and provide power to multiple sources. The Phase I device also demonstrates a user interface that is intuitive and… more
Company: Add-vision, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NSF / STTR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: The Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project will demonstrate the feasibility of using self-assembled mono-layers to dramatically improve the cost performance of OLED displays. The OLED industry is interested in p-i-n structured OLEDs because they can be fully printed in open-air… more
Company: Add-vision, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NSF / SBIR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: The Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will demonstrate the feasibility of using white light-emitting polymers in a fully printable manufacturing process to dramatically improve the cost and efficiency performance of organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) flat lamps. Both the OLED… more
Company: ADTECH SYSTEMS RESEARCH, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / STTR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: The objective of this project is to develop a multi-purpose combination type optical fiber sensor that enables simultaneous sensing of microstructural evolutions in the sensor materials and the environmental conditions such as pressure and temperature. It is very well known that materials subjected… more
Company: ADVANCED COHERENT TECHNOLOGIES Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2006 / 1
Abstract: As discussed in the solicitation for this SBIR, EPAS and other current passive ASW sensors have not yet incorporated the use of polarization analyzers to mitigate the effects of high background clutter their imaging systems. It is postulated that proper use of polarization analyzers can reduce the… more
Displaying 1 – 25 of 772 Awards
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