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Displaying 1 – 25 of 6679 Awards
Company: Institute for Disabilities Research and Training, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: ED / SBIR / 2012 / 2
Abstract: Purpose: American Sign Language (ASL) is a visual and gestural language that is distinct from English, has its own grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and no text representation. Despite the differences between the languages, students who use ASL are typically assessed with protocols for English-speaking… more
Company: Intelligent Automation Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOT / SBIR / 2012 / 1
Abstract: Portable tanks used to transport hazard materials are often subject to forces and stress, thermal cycle loading, and shock/vibration throughout the transportation process. It is an interest to assess what effects may occur during loading and unloading from one shipping mode to another and what… more
Company: Intelligent Automation Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOT / SBIR / 2012 / 1
Abstract: Intelligent Automation Inc. (IAI) proposes an innovative anti-texting system which does not prevent the use of any cell phone but can detect and record the texting and driving behavior for enforcement instead. This proposal lays out a concrete plan to develop a robust and cost effective system that… more
Company: Intelligent Automation Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOT / SBIR / 2012 / 1
Abstract: Usually the lifetime of a trailer is much longer than tractors; tractors must work with a variety types and ages of trailers over the course of their use. In many scenarios (e.g., roadside, border crossing, smart parking, connected vehicle initiative, etc.), it is necessary to identify trailer(s)'… more
Company: Robotic Research, LLC Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DHS / SBIR / 2012 / 1
Abstract: Teleoperation is the most commonly used method for controlling Small Unmanned Ground Vehicles (SUGV) into areas that are too dangerous or constrained for humans or canines to explore. These SUGVs provide cameras and sensors that provide situational awareness to the operators. However, as the number… more
Company: Starodub Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOT / SBIR / 2012 / 1
Abstract: A method to detect, locate, and map utilities and underground infrastructure is proposed at traffic speeds based on recent advances in step-frequency ground penetrating radar (SFGPR). Recent work by the proposed research team has already demonstrated imaging of subsurface civil infrastructure… more
Company: Member of the Family LLC Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DHS / SBIR / 2012 / 2
Abstract: Member of the Family LLC's proposal is designed to study and analyze the effects of contact lens usage, eye surgery and various types of pupil dilation as they relate to the accuracy and performance of iris recognition systems. Additionally we propose to determine whether or not appropriate… more
Company: Omitron, Incorporated Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / STTR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: ABSTRACT: The leading errors in computing future positions of satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) are generally due to inaccuracies in the thermospheric density and the prediction thereof. The use of Dynamic Calibration Atmosphere (DCA) has significantly reduced these traditional sources of error… more
Company: ANTHROTRONIX, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / STTR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: In order to predict and optimize human performance under reduced manpower conditions, it is helpful to model aspects of physical and cognitive performance under varied conditions, highlighting tradeoffs between task time and accuracy, cost, schedule, hardware/software, and human… more
Company: Brimrose Technology Corporation Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NASA / STTR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: NASA is interested in advancing green technology research for achieving sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources for both terrestrial and space applications. It has been reported that thermo-electric power generation (TEPG) can contribute to electrical power generation scavenged from… more
Company: QUANTUM MEDICAL METRICS, LLC Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): The fragility of osteoporotic bones is largely due to alterations in the underlying structural geometry. Research has demonstrated that it is possible to measure the mechanical geometry of human bones in vivo using dualenergy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans.… more
Company: Limaging, LLC Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): For this SBIR Limaging, LLC teams with researchers in Ophthalmology at the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University to develop DBillScan, a camera phone based currency reader to identify U.S. dollar bills for the blind and visual impaired (VI). In many… more
Company: Masstech, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NSF / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project aims at developing laser photoacoustic spectroscopy (LPAS) sensor for continuous, real-time measurements of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), and other air pollutants such as Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide. The intellectual… more
Company: Masstech, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): The primary objective of this proposal is to develop a novel ion source for the efficient on-line coupling of a wide array of chromatographic techniques with mass spectrometry. The use of liquid chromatography separation is a prerequisite for high-throughput mass… more
Company: Masstech, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NASA / SBIR / 2011 / 2
Abstract: The development of a standoff sensor that can measure 3D components of wind velocity in the vicinity of an airport has the potential to improve airport throughput, safety and efficiency. The goal of this research is to develop a Lidar Wind Profiler (LWP) that uses multiple near-parallel lidar beams… more
Company: Masstech, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NASA / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: Formaldehyde (HCHO) is of great interest to atmospheric scientists in NASA and other research institutions. In this SBIR project, we propose to build an airborne or ground based, atmospheric formaldehyde (HCHO) profiler implementing Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) techniques. The instrument will… more
Company: RETROTHERAPY, LLC Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Development of tools to modify globin gene expression in stem cells The objective of this proposal is to develop a treatment for patients with sickle cell disease. The development of methods for treating common geneticdiseases, such as sickle cell disease remains… more
Company: CELEK PHARMACEUTICALS, LLC Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: CEL-031 is being developed as a novel, targeted tre8tment for non-mLiscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). Bladder cancer is the 5th most common cancer in the US, with most cases diagnosed 8t the nonmuscle invasive stage. It is the most expensive cancerto treDt on a per patient basis. There is 8… more
Company: Vorbeck Materials Corp. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NSF / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to develop high-performance conductive inks based on graphene technology for the printed electronics industry. Emerging printed electronics market applications require stringent flexibility and conductivity of conductive inks.… more
Company: Ceramic Tubular Products, Llc Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOE / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: Topic 20c of DOEs SBIR solicitation seeks grant applications to develop technologies for the assessment and mitigation of materials degradation in Light Water Reactors in order to extend the service life including methods that can mitigate or predict irradiation and aging effects An important… more
Company: Ceramic Tubular Products, Llc Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOE / SBIR / 2011 / 2
Abstract: Statement of Problem: Light water reactor fuel used in current reactors uses slightly enriched uranium oxide (UO2) fuel pellets with zirconium alloy (zircaloy) clad. Zircaloy clad loses all of its tensile strength at temperatures of 500 oC, and balloons outward during the early phases of a loss of… more
Company: Synaptic Research, Llc Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) have tremendous potential for regenerative medicine in future. However, there are obstacles to overcome before the iPSC can be used therapeutically. One major hurdle is the tool used to generate iPSC from adult somatic cells.… more
Company: Synaptic Research, Llc Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOE / SBIR / 2011 / 2
Abstract: One of the principal technical and cost barriers to successful commercialization of algal biofuels as an alternative energy source is the inability to extract the useful oil components from the algae in an economical and environmentally sound fashion. Indeed, the DOE announcement for this proposal… more
Company: Omitron, Incorporated Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / STTR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: ABSTRACT: The leading errors in computing future positions of satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) are generally due to inaccuracies in the thermospheric density and the prediction thereof. The use of Dynamic Calibration Atmosphere (DCA) has significantly reduced these traditional sources of error… more
Company: SIMQUEST , LLC Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): SimQuest LLC proposes to develop a physics-based head and neck simulator to enhance training of dental, endodontic, oral, maxillofacial, plastic, trauma, ENT, and other trainees and surgical educators. This Phase I workwill advance the state of the science in… more
Displaying 1 – 25 of 6679 Awards
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