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DoD 2012.3 SBIR Solicitation

DoD 2012.3 SBIR Solicitation

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Agency: Department of Defense
Branch: Missile Defense Agency
Program/Year: SBIR / 2012
Solicitation Number: 2012.3
Release Date: July 26, 2012
Open Date: August 27, 2012
Close Date: September 26, 2012 (closing in 6 days)
MDA12-028: Improved Target Discrimination of Multiple Targets Using Bulk Filtering for Debris
Description: OBJECTIVE: Identify & evaluate data/signal processing techniques and algorithms that will minimize or overcome the system degradation effects caused by dense threat complexes, consisting of large numbers of closely-spaced uninteresting ballistic objects. The intent of this Topic is to develop a Bulk Filtering method where the radar return data for non-threatening objects are de-emphasized, suppressed, or rejected before they are presented to the signal/data processors and tracking software for further acquisition, tracking, or discrimination processing. This proposed Topic is a paradigm shift in Bulk Filtering Debris by rejecting the radar return data at the Detection Level. The expectation is that any final product from this effort will yield improvements in the efficient use of sensor resources and the accuracy of sensor data products. Efficiency is gained by eliminating the resource overhead currently used to process non-threatening objects. Accuracy of the reported data improves by removing the large quantities of non-threatening objects from the RF scene shared with the threatening object. By Bulk Filtering objects at the detection level, the risk that a new detection will be mistakenly correlated & integrated with the track of a threatening object is eliminated, and the degradation in track accuracy due to Debris is Mitigated. DESCRIPTION: Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) performance is dependent on the efficient acquisition, tracking and discrimination of threatening objects. Reducing the resource overhead necessary to process non threatening objects ultimately improves a sensor"s effectiveness and enhances the system probability for a successful intercept. As threat complex numbers, densities and countermeasures increase, it becomes even more important to manage radar resources, and minimize extraneous data. This effort is intended foster improvements in RF discrimination, debris mitigation and track management capabilities for TPY-2 (Forward Based Mode & Terminal Mode) and SBX. Technical areas of interest include, but are not limited to: Bulk filtering techniques and limitations using current detection algorithms Innovative detection algorithms that identify debris and non-threatening objects that will be excluded from further processing Phase I: Develop and conduct proof-of-principle studies and/or demonstrations of discrimination concepts/algorithms that are easily adaptable to a wide range of sensors using simulated sensor data. Phase II: Update/develop algorithm(s) based on Phase I results and demonstrate technology in a realistic environment using data from multiple sensor (as applicable) sources. Demonstrate ability of the algorithm(s) to work in real-time in a high clutter and/or countermeasure environment. Phase II demonstration work will be classified. Phase III: Integrate algorithms into the BMDS and demonstrate the improved total capability of the updated system. Partnership with traditional DOD prime-contractors will be pursued as government applications of this technology will produce near term benefits from a successful program. DUAL USE/COMMERCIALIZATION POTENTIAL: Weather Radar (ability to penetrate debris and look into a storm), Air Traffic Control (ability to reject debris and environmental clutter) REFERENCES: 1. R. Duda, P. Hart, and D. Stork,"Pattern Classification", 2nd Ed., Wiley Interscience, November, 2000. 2. Jenson, Finn V. Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs. New York: Springer, 2001. 3. Gilks, W.R., Richardson, S. and Speigelhalter, D.J. Markov Chain Monte Carlo In Practive. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall, 1996. 4. Neapolitan, Richard E. Learning Bayesian Networks. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2004. 5. Martinez, David,,"Wideband Networked Sensors", MIT Lincoln Labs,, October 2000. 6. D. Hall and James Llinas,"An Introduction to Multisensor Data Fusion,"Proceedings of the IEEE, 85 (No. 1) 1997. 7. D.C. Cowley and B. Shafai,"Registration in Multi-Sensor Data Fusion and Tracking,"Proceedings of the American Control Conference, June 1993. 8. Y. Bar-Shalom and W.D. Blair, Editors, Multi-Target/Multi-Sensor Tracking: Applications and Advances, Vol. III, Artech House, Norwood, MA, 2000. 9. T. Sakamoto and T. Sato,"A fast Algorithm of 3-dimensional Imaging for Pulsed Radar Systems,"Proceedings IEEE 2004 Antennas and Propagation Society Symposium, Vol. 2, 20-25 June 2004. 10. W. Streilein, et al."Fused Multi-Sensor Mining for Feature Foundation Data,"Proceeding of Third International Conference of Information Fusion, Vol. 1, 10-13, July 2000. 11. Mike Botts [ed.], OpenGIS Sensor Model Language (SensorML), OGC 05-086r2. 12. M. Ceruti,"Ontology for Level-One Sensor Fusion and Knowledge Discovery,"8th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Pisa, Italy, 2004. 13. Steve Havens [ed.], OpenGIS Transducer Markup Language TransducerML), OGC 06-010r2. 14. Russomanno, D.J.; Kothari, C.; Thomas, O."Sensor ontologies: from shallow to deep models."System Theory, 2005. SSST'05. Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Southeastern Symposium on, Vol., Iss., 20-22 March 2005. Pages: 107- 112.
MDA12-029: Anchoring Post-Intercept Debris Prediction Tools
Description: OBJECTIVE: Develop and test techniques for collecting data from hyper-velocity missile intercepts for the anchoring of post-intercept debris (PID) models. DESCRIPTION: MDA continues to develop models to predict and understand the phenomenology of hyper-velocity missile intercepts. Missile intercept events produce complex debris environments whose morphology and density are a function of several parameters including, but not limited to closing speed, target/interceptor mass, hit point, strike angle, presence/absence of reactive materials (e.g. high explosives), mechanical joints, material characteristics, etc.. Due to the vast phase space of potential missile engagements and resulting PID scenes that the BMDS may encounter, it is not possible to fully assess system performance within PID environments through flight tests alone. Flight test assessments of sensor performance must be supplemented through BMDS modeling and simulation that includes accurate realizations of PID scenes.A variety of PID models exist at various levels of maturity and fidelity. These models range from semi-empirical models to predictive, finite element models based upon first-principle physics. Each model, regardless of the methodology employed, must be properly anchored to ensure that it captures the relevant phenomenology at the appropriate level of fidelity. MDA desires a flight-capable means of anchoring model predictions for post-intercept debris. It is important to capture the debris characteristics necessary to properly model BMDS sensor signatures (RF and EO/IR) and complement existing test data (e.g. Light Gas Gun and Sled Track tests). Although current test data provide good information on debris mass, size and shape, there are limitations in the quality of the debris velocity and rotation rate data. Moreover, there are limitations in test article fidelity (both target and interceptor) and engagement space coverage (relatively low closing speeds). Key debris characteristics that should be captured through the proposed data collection methodology include accurate velocities (translational and rotational), approximate sizes, and accurate temperatures. In situ measurements of temperature and pressure during the impact itself are also desirable. The proposed system providing the anchoring data must fly along with the flight test article and, as such, must have physical size, telemetry requirements and power constraints consistent with being part of a launch vehicle. The system must also be testable in a ground test configuration. The contractor must demonstrate how these requirements will be met. Additionally, it should be noted that the concept must support integration with a launch vehicle several weeks to months before launch. PHASE I: Develop a concept for tagging, tracking and characterizing the physical properties of post-intercept debris resulting from hyper-velocity impacts. Debris tag concepts should be evaluated for survivability, telemetry, information content and cost. Proof of concept studies should be carried out via modeling and simulation. Develop a plan for constructing a prototype system in Phase II. PHASE II: Following the development plan outlined in Phase 1, construct a prototype debris tagging and telemetry system. Verify prototype performance via more extensive high-fidelity modeling and simulation along with ground testing. Phase 2 work will be classified. PHASE III: Mature the prototype to flight-ready status and perform data collection during an MDA flight test. Post-process flight test data to form a post-intercept debris scene image and cross-correlate with selected PID prediction tools. DUAL USE/COMMERCIALIZATION POTENTIAL: The contractor will pursue commercialization of the various technologies developed in Phase II for additional DoD applications. Such applications could include weapons and armor development and insensitive munitions testing. Potential commercial uses include rocket motor safety testing for commercial space flight and NASA. REFERENCES: 1. J. Cogar, L. Schwalbe, D. Faux, G. Pomykal, D. Kelly, M. Cross,"Hydrocodes and their Role in Missile Defense Lethality Assessments", LLNL report No. UCRL-TR-225902, 2006.
MDA12-030: Detailed Lethality Assessments for Flight Test Events
Description: OBJECTIVE: Develop in situ detectors for MDA flight test targets to directly record physical properties in and around the expected warhead location to provide a more definitive measure of interceptor lethality. DESCRIPTION: MDA has the responsibility to test new and improved interceptor missiles against new and evolving threats. To accomplish this, MDA must constantly upgrade the capability of missile targets to (1) be more threat representative and (2) provide as much physical information as possible about what happens during the"end game", which is characterized by a time period of no more than 100 microseconds. The purpose of this topic is to solicit concepts and system designs that will go beyond the establishment of a hit point on a target and will provide useful information on the sequential destructive processes after the initial impact with an emphasis on characterization of the expected physical location of the warhead. Classically, hit detectors have been comprised of X/Y grids of sensing elements that when broken by the initial impact yielded a localized first point of impact. Recently techniques have been introduced that utilize impact energies to determine the impact points. Whatever the initial technique, this topic solicits designs that can provide more definitive assessments of the actual destructive potential of either a hit-to-kill interceptor or a Shrapnel Kill warhead. Proposed systems must be able to address either type of kill vehicle. PHASE I: Investigate models of projected damage production on a representative, unclassified target. A damage detection system design would be produced that would address the damage configuration and timing of a interceptor on a target. The number and type of physical measurements that would be needed to provide improved situational awareness within seconds after the intercept would be investigated. The Phase 1 design would also be required to show, by analysis or experiment, that it would satisfy the speed and extreme environmental chaos that dominates a hit-to-kill intercept. It would also be desirable for proof-of-concept demonstrations to be provided as a part of a Phase 1 engineering task. PHASE II: Realize a design of a test system that could be included on existing target missiles. Such systems would gather and transmit the data necessary to improve situational awareness during intercept events thus proving the ability of the electrical and physical design to gather and off load the critical data prior to destruction. Phase 2 work will be classified. PHASE III: Mature the test system to flight-ready status on a suitable target missile and perform data collection during an MDA flight test. Post-process flight test data to display post-intercept impact location information and the sequential destructive processes after the initial impact. Dual Use/Commercialization Potential The contractor will pursue commercialization of the various technologies developed in Phase II for additional DoD or commercial applications. Such applications could include weapons and armor development testing, rocket motor safety testing, and in-flight monitoring of debris or other impact events for satellites and other orbiting spacecraft. REFERENCES: 1. W.R. Winton, R.L. Haley, W. M. Kornegay, W.J. Sarjeant, A. Sherer,"Army Science Board Independent Assessment Phase 2 Study on Hit-to-Kill Interceptor Lethality: Part A Lethality", Report AD-B233 821, 1997.
MDA12-031: Innovative designs for reliable Electro-Explosive Ordnance Devices
Description: OBJECTIVE: This topic seeks to apply innovative concepts from the field of Electro-Explosive Ordnance Devices for use on Interceptors to improve the overall reliability and lower the failure and/or inadvertent initiation risks by simplifying the design, employing contemporary or next generation energetics, or incorporating other robust features to lower risks and enhance reliability. DESCRIPTION: Electro-Explosive Ordnance Devices (EEDs) are used in Interceptor as mission critical components. These"one-shot"devices must be reliable and function when needed after extended periods of storage. While numerous designs exist in industry, concepts that would enhance reliability, producibility, and testability are needed. Recent producibility problems with existing EEDs have created enhanced awareness of the need for improvements. Further, a means to allow for some health monitoring through"built-in-test"would be a significant breakthrough. The successful bidders for this effort shall be provided with generic interface and general performance requirements of typical Interceptor EEDs. General storage and functional environments will also be provided. For various applications of interest the thermal environments are not severe. Proposals need to demonstrate an innovative concept that has a realistic potential to enhance EED reliability through robust design and/or manufacturing techniques. Reliability enhancements in explosive materials, bridge-wire materials, or other EED component materials are sought. Designs that enhance robustness in No-Fire tests are of particular interest. PHASE I: Mature the proposed EED design concept to fully document the feasibility of the enhancements for reliability, producibility, and/or testability. During this phase the enhanced concepts may be tailored to the generic interface and performance requirements of interest for Interceptor EEDs. PHASE II: Demonstrate the feasibility of the enhanced reliability EED design by building and testing proto-type units. This phase will focus on verifying that the proposed enhancements will actually increase reliability of the EED, thus the scope of this phase will be tailored to highlight the benefits of the specific design. For this phase, proposers are encouraged to indentify a partnership with a current or potential supplier that has appropriate manufacturing capabilities to produce the EEDs. PHASE III: Integrate the enhanced reliability EED into a critical Interceptor application and generalize the application for broader applications across MDA programs and commercially. This phase will demonstrate the applicability in one or more MDA element systems, subsystems, or components. DUAL USE/COMMERCIALIZATION POTENTIAL: The proposal should clearly show that the enhanced reliability EED has benefits to both commercial and defense applications. The projected benefits to reduce cost, improved reliability, improved testability, or improved producibility should be made clear. The demand for highly reliable electro-explosive ordnance devices is a multi-million dollar, world-wide market with demands in diverse areas such as: military warheads, aircraft ejection seats, precision mining, precision controlled demolitions, launch vehicles, and spacecraft applications. Success in this research area should stengthen available reliable EED hardware for use at MDA, other DoD Agencies, and commercial entities. REFERENCES: 1. MIL-STD-1512, MILITARY STANDARD: ELECTROEXPLOSIVE SUBSYSTEMS 2. MIL-STD-1576, MILITARY STANDARD: ELECTROEXPLOSIVE SUBSYSTEM SAFETY REQUIREMENTS AND TEST METHODS FOR SPACE SYSTEMS (31 JUL 1984) 3. AIAA-S-113-2005, Criteria for Explosive Systems and Devices on Space and Launch Vehicles (Nov. 2005) 4. MIL-STD-1760 Aircraft/Store Electrical Interconnection System
MDA12-032: Long-Term Missile Aging Assessment & Reliability Predictions for Polymer Materials and Electronic Parts
Description: OBJECTIVE: The development of innovative methodologies, components, or subsystems that aide in long term reliability assessment of missile hardware. Methodologies are sought using the latest proven systematic approaches to age acceleration testing of typical missile and payload components that are maintained in inert modes for extended periods of time prior to launch. Further, advanced reliability assessment techniques are desired to complement the acceleration aging methodologies for application to these components. DESCRIPTION: The Missile Defense Agency is seeking technologies to support its Stockpile Reliability Program. These technologies must aid in the determination and prediction of system failures or potential failures. One method used to develop information on shelf life of systems, subsystems and parts is called accelerated aging testing. This method also documents system status and predicts expiration dates of subsystems and parts. Accelerated aging is a testing method used to estimate the useful lifespan of a product when actual lifespan data is unavailable. This occurs with products that have not existed long enough to have gone through their useful lifespan. Missile components may contain polymer materials that are age sensitive and stay in a dormant state for extended periods of time prior to use. Thus, elevated temperature aging is often used to accelerate chemical breakdown. Other industries, such as medical products and packing, have developed advanced techniques for application to accelerated life testing that may be applicable to aerospace missile and payload materials. An example of areas where advances are sought is in techniques for applying the Arrhenius time-temperature superposition equation to components with multiple age sensitive polymeric materials. Other areas where advances are sought are in electronic parts and printed wiring boards (PWBs). Electronic parts normally fail because of expected and predictable wear-out mechanisms. These most often are metal failures over time, oxide failures due to electrical stress, or issues associated with packaging techniques. Real time aging must be performed in conjunction with any accelerated aging study to correlate the results found during accelerated aging. The theory of reliability has greatly advanced in the past few years. The results of these theoretical advancements could be utilized to enhance methods used to predict potential failures of MDA missile stockpiles and other weapons. This theory coupled with the use of advances in accelerated aging testing could be use to provide an enhanced, robust methodology for predicting weapon stockpile reliability. PHASE I: Development of innovative systematic methodologies coupled with advanced techniques to assess the long term reliability of missile hardware. Investigate proven methodologies for age acceleration testing of typical missile and payload materials and components coupled with advanced reliability assessment techniques to develop a cost effective approach to predicting typical missile and payload materials/components shelf life. PHASE II: Based on the results/findings of phase I, demonstrate the methodology and techniques using a complex missile or payload component for verification of the approach. Robustness should be demonstrated by verification with naturally aged components and possibly with use of other materials/components. PHASE III: Verification of overall approach and finalize the methodology. The proposed methodology developed under this effort should advance the state-of-the-art in cost effective reliability performance monitoring, shelf life estimates, preventative and other maintenance. Demonstrate commercial scalability of the technology for use in commercial product development, reliability assessment and shelf life estimates. DUAL USE/COMMERCIALIZATION POTENTIAL: Demonstrate the commercial prospects of this technology through utilization of the methodology on development of complex commercial product. The envisioned solutions to this effort will have applications in both military and non-military markets to include commercial aircraft and satellite markets, and others. The military applications include various missile systems, Satellites, and UAVs. REFERENCES: 1)"HALT, HASS & HASA Explained, Accelerated Reliability Techniques, Revised Edition"by Harry W.McLean, ASQ ISBN 978-0-87389-766-2. 2)"Management & Technical Guidelines for the ESS Process"IEST-RP-PR001.1, published by the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology. 3)"Accelerated Testing"a Practitioners Guide to Accelerated and Reliability Testing, by Bryan Dodson and Harry Schwab. 4)"Accelerated Reliability Engineering", by Gregg Hobbs, ISBN 0-615-12833-5. 5) 6) 7)"Ballistic Missile Defense Review,"Office of the U. S. Secretary of Defense, February 2010. Available via internet at
MDA12-033: Cost Effective, Reliable Service Life Extension Testing of Ordnance Devices
Description: OBJECTIVE: Assess viable approaches to cost effective, reliable service life extension testing of ordnance devices. Investigate the various approaches used in industry to conduct service life extension testing and develop reliable testing solutions. DESCRIPTION: The Missile Defense Agency is seeking technologies to support its Stockpile Reliability Program. Interceptors must function successfully after being exposed to lengthy periods of environmental exposure. Interceptor"one-shot"devices cannot be exposed to any"health monitoring, Built-In-Tests"like electronic components to ensure readiness, making other means of verification critical. Service Life Extension (SLE) testing on units from the same lot of ordnance devices is typically used to assess readiness of units installed on interceptors. However, various approaches are used for SLE testing, with some including high temperature accelerated aging and some without. Further, somewhat arbitrary SLE times are used for different testing and ordnance device components throughout industry. Thus, a focused effort to develop a technically sound, cost-effective means to grant SLE is desired. Reliability of ordnance devices is critical to Interceptor mission success, thus warranting development of a rigorous, cost-effective approach to this testing. Although the specific component design may have satisfied all material compatibility tests and analysis, subtle lot-to-lot manufacturing and processing variations may have adverse effects on a particular production lot of units. While recommended SLE testing approaches for Lots are defined Military and AIAA Standards, they are based on assumptions of linear relationships between test duration and life extension, test quantities required for life extension, and other assumptions. Proposals should address a systematic, technically sound approach to developing a cost-effective SLE approach across various ordnance device components. PHASE I: Development of a thorough assessment of best practices used in industry for Service Life Extension of ordnance devices, recommend a cost-effective approach, and develop analysis tools to facility Service Life assessment. PHASE II: Based on the results/findings of Phase I, this phase would proto-type the process and analysis tools with potential use of Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) for validation over an extended period. Phase III: Verification of overall approach and finalize the methodology. The proposed methodology developed under this effort should advance the state-of-the-art in cost effective service life extension testing of ordnance devices to enhance predicted and demonstrated reliability. This phase may include refinement of analytical tools for SLE assessment, and implementation of the testing process as an MDA Standard on various Interceptor Programs. Further, this phase should include demonstration of commercial scalability of the technology for use in commercial product development, reliability assessment and service life estimates. DUAL USE/COMMERCIALIZATION POTENTIAL: The proposer should demonstrate the commercial prospects of this technology through utilization of the methodology on development of complex commercial product. The envisioned solutions to this effort will have applications in both military and non-military markets to include commercial aircraft and satellite markets, and others. The military applications include various missile systems, Satellites, and UAVs. REFERENCES: 1)"HALT, HASS & HASA Explained, Accelerated Reliability Techniques, Revised Edition"by Harry W.McLean, ASQ ISBN 978-0-87389-766-2. 2)"Management & Technical Guidelines for the ESS Process"IEST-RP-PR001.1, published by the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology. 3)"Accelerated Testing"a Practitioners Guide to Accelerated and Reliability Testing, by Bryan Dodson and Harry Schwab. 4)"Accelerated Reliability Engineering", by Gregg Hobbs, ISBN 0-615-12833-5. 5) 6) 7)"Ballistic Missile Defense Review,"Office of the U. S. Secretary of Defense, February 2010. Available via internet at 8) MIL-STD-1512, MILITARY STANDARD: ELECTROEXPLOSIVE SUBSYSTEMS 9) MIL-STD-1576, MILITARY STANDARD: ELECTROEXPLOSIVE SUBSYSTEM SAFETY REQUIREMENTS AND TEST METHODS FOR SPACE SYSTEMS (31 JUL 1984) 10) AIAA-S-113-2005, Criteria for Explosive Systems and Devices on Space and Launch Vehicles (Nov. 2005)
MDA12-034: Correlation identification and evaluation of new technologies or methodologies to accurately measure inertial movement in a stressing flight environment
Description: OBJECTIVE: This topic seeks to identify and evaluate new technologies that accurately measure inertial movement in a stressing flight environment. Fiber Optical Gryoscope (FOG) technology is currently used to measure inertial movement in many flight hardware applications, but is expensive, relatively large, and has performance limitations in certain environments. The objective of this research is to identify affordable new technologies and assess them for suitability during flight environment (shock, vibration, temperature, pressure/vacuum, etc.). Associated component design considerations of electronics of identified technologies , such as Printed Wiring Assembly (PWA) thickness, materials of construction, numbers of layers, vibration resonance mitigations, or other variables, should be evaluated in concert for each identified technology. DESCRIPTION: Accurate inertial measurement of military flight vehicles is critical for many weapon systems and flight hardware. Many of these vehicles experience stressing environments during their mission. GM has a need for the capability for accurate inertial measurement in a flight environment, including vibration environments to 100 Khz. PHASE I: Identify and assess feasibility of alternate technologies for the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). Assess preliminary development of innovative design concepts that utilize these technologies. PHASE II: Develop prototype IMU for proof of concept testing. Develop the software tools, algorithms and a methodology to complete a design(s) and provide a technology demonstration in an environmental test laboratory. Portions of the Phase 2 work may be classified. PHASE III: A successful transition candidate would be evaluated for stability of design and repeatable production. Production representative IMUs would be produced and proven in a laboratory environment. DUAL USE/COMMERCIALIZATION POTENTIAL: The proposal should clearly show that the new IMU technology has benefits to both commercial and defense applications. The projected benefits to reduce cost, improved reliability, improved testability, or improved producibility should be made clear. The demand for highly reliable inertial measurement devices is a multi-million dollar, world-wide market with demands in diverse areas such as: military weapons, aircraft guidance, gaming systems, cellular telephones, and spacecraft applications. Success in this research area should strengthen available reliable IMU hardware for use at MDA, other DoD Agencies, and commercial entities. REFERENCES: 1. Epson IMU melds precision, low-cost; R. Colin Johnson, 6/6/2011,"eetimes". 2. MIL-STD 1540E, Test Requirements for Launch, Upper-Stage and Space Vehicles. TR-2004(8583)-1, Rev A, Released Sept 6, 2006.
MDA12-035: Materials and Life Cycle Sustainability
Description: OBJECTIVE: Enhance the performance, producibility, and sustainability of missile body structures and components for implementation into Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) systems primarily through utilization of novel materials and processes. Provide materials solutions to reduce procurement cost, lower life cycle cost, lower operational maintenance, reduce lead time, enhance mission reliability and improve manufacturability for low-rate, non-labor intensive production for BMD systems. DESCRIPTION: MDA is seeking high-performance materials and process technologies for enhancement of current and block upgraded missile defense systems. These endo-atmospheric and exo-atmospheric intercept systems are highly complex missile systems. Incorporating existing and novel materials and process technologies offer a significant potential for enhancing performance properties while improving the producibility and sustainability of these structures. Process technologies should be appropriate for modest production volumes; incorporate modularity, flexibility, simplified and/or low-cost tooling; and be consistent with Lean and Six Sigma methodologies. The focus of this topic is for the missile body, launch canister, and kill vehicle structures or components, excluding propulsion systems which are covered in another topic. Technical areas of interest include, but are not limited to: Material Life Cycle and Sustainability: Missile and light weight palletized containment systems must address issues involving extended lifetimes with cyclic operational and life cycle loads. Addressing issues associated with these environments are key to maintaining robust capabilities in terms of both flight vehicle and containment system readiness. Environments of interest include, but are not limited to, moisture absorption/associated failure modes, material out-gassing, plume effects (temp/erosion), transportation cyclic loads (combined environment), and UV response. The capability to assess health and condition of material systems in these environments will be important. Solutions address such issues as limiting or blocking moisture absorption through barriers/coatings or the material system matrix/fiber system type employed, as well as creating material systems that are less prone to debilitating effects from this (i.e. delaminating). The benefits include improved health of internal electronic systems, propellants, and optics. Other metrics include strength and durability under combined temperature and cyclic mechanical loads. Advanced or improved testing methods for quickly and efficiently characterizing these metrics are also of interest. Aerostructures: Advanced missile defense interceptors require aero-structures designed to survive harsh operational and long term storage environments. In addition, evolving threat dynamics and proliferation underscore the need to increase system performance while reducing cost per kill. As related to aero-structures the following three (3) goals can be used to focus development efforts related to topic and to serve as overarching requirements: (1) Maximize interceptor performance and long term storage. (2) Minimize interceptor cost. (3) Ensure interceptor radiation survivability and structural integrity during flight. Advanced missile defense interceptors require lightweight thermal protection systems (TPS), radomes and aerostructures designed to minimize internal temperature rise and ensure missile airframe structural integrity during flight, including operation in adverse weather. These systems must meet a variety of requirements such as weight, erosion/ablation performance, and cost. Clearly the flow-down of the requirements listed above indicate the desire to have material systems that are lower mass, higher strength/stiffness, and tailorable thermal conductivity to allow advanced thermal management schemes due to longer flight times within the atmosphere. In addition, the long term storage requirement flow-down dictate material systems that minimize out-gassing and water permeability over time. Interceptor cost drivers span many different aspects to include schemes to reduce/streamline composite manufacturing tooling cost and process controls. Preliminary material suitability metrics include: a. Cold wall heating rates of 50-400 Btu/ft2-s b. Shear rates of 10-50 psf c. Operating temperature range of 2500-6000F d. Survive weather encounter e. Lightening Strike protection f. HANES Standard Weather Encounter: Advanced missile interceptors have the potential for encountering adverse weather conditions during flight. As a result, there is a need to enhance the producibility, operability and survivability of various missiles and missile components for operation in adverse environments. Adverse weather conditions may include natural events such as rain, snow, ice, gravel, sand/dust, or catastrophic naturally occurring weather events such as volcanic particulates. Typical velocity regimes are in the range of subsonic through high supersonic. Current needs include: analytic tool development, new or improved ground and flight testing methodologies, facility environment characterizations, and improvements in single impact and sled testing methods for all hydrometeor and solid particulate types. Included in this topic are also novel low-cost testing methods that can use subscale rockets and innovative instrumentation, recession gauges, or material samples to record impact events during flight. PHASE I: Conduct experimental and/or analytical efforts to demonstrate proof-of-principle and to improve producibility, increase performance, lower cost, or increase reliability. Explore the concept and develop novel processes for fabrication and utilization of selected missile components. If applicable, produce test coupons of the materials and measure relevant properties. Assess the fabrication cost and impacts on service methods, safety, reliability, sustainability and efficiency. Perform a preliminary manufacturability and cost benefit analysis showing that the structure can be produced in reasonable quantities and at reasonable cost/yields, based on quantifiable benefits, by employing techniques suitable for scale up. Conduct weather environment characterization, develop/validate physics based numerical models of vehicle flowfield/weather coupling, develop material impact models, and develop/modify test evaluation methodologies for all aspects of weather encounter phenomena. PHASE II: Based on the results and findings of Phase I, demonstrate the technology by fabricating and testing a prototype in a representative environment. Demonstrate feasibility and engineering scale up of proposed technology and identify and address technological hurdles. Demonstrate the system"s viability and superiority under a wide variety of conditions typical of both normal and extreme operating conditions. Demonstrate scalable manufacturing technology during production of the articles. Identify and assess commercial applications of the material or process technology. PHASE III: Demonstrate new open/modular, non-proprietary materials and/or structures technology. Provide a potentially qualifiable design for an innovative structure that will provide for advancement of the state-of-the-art in aerospace and missile structure performance, safety, weather robustness, life extension, preventative and other maintenance. Demonstrate commercial scalability of the manufacturing process and the implementation of the software-based design tools for the commercial development and deployment of advanced structures and radomes. Commercialize the technology for both military and civilian applications. Demonstration should be in a real system or operational in a system level test-bed. DUAL USE/COMMERCIALIZATION POTENTIAL: The proposed technology should benefit commercial and defense manufacturing through cost reduction, improved reliability and sustainment, or enhanced producibility and performance. REFERENCES: 1. Deason, D.M., Missile Defense Materials & Manufacturing Technology Program, ASM Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH, Oct. 2003. 2. Deason, D.M. and Hilmas, G., et al."Silicon Carbide Ceramics for Aerospace Applications - Processing, Microstructure, and Property Assessments,"Proceedings: Materials Science & Technology Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 2005. 3. Reynolds, R.A., Nourse, R.N. and Russell, G.W."Aerothermal Ablation Behavior of Selected Candidate External Insulation Materials,"28th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Jul 1992. 4. Murray, A., Russell, G.W."Coupled Aeroheating/Ablation Analysis for Missile Configurations,"Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 39, No. 4, Apr. 2002. 5. J.D. Walton, Jr,"Radome Engineering Handbook,"Marcel Dekker, New York, 1970. 6. Russell, G.W."DoD High Speed Aerothermal Analysis and Design - Historical Review and New State of the Art Approaches,"NASA Thermal and Fluids Analysis Workshop, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, Aug. 2003. 7. Lindsay, J. and O"Hanlon, M.E., Defending America: The Case for Limited National Missile Defense, Brookings Institute Press, Apr. 2001. 8. Moylan, B., and Russell, G.,"Updating Mil-Std-810 to Address High-Speed Weather Encounter Testing", 53rd Annual Technical Meeting of the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology. April 29-May2, 2007. 9. Moylan, B.,"Enhanced Testing Methods to Assess Weather Environmental Impacts on High-Speed Vehicle Designs", 53rd Annual Technical Meeting of the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology. April 29-May 2, 2007. 10. Robust Kill Vehicle Design Using Tailorable Material Systems,"Laddin Montgomery, Aero Thermo Technology, Inc., Huntsville, AL; Proceedings from National Space and Missile Materials Symposium 23 June 2008. 11. Effects of Coatings on Moisture Absorption in Composite Materials,"James R. Newill; Steven H. McKnight; Christopher P. Hoppel; Gene R. Cooper; Army Research Lab, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD; October 1999; Report Number: A305273.