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October 1 Issue  |  Subscribe  |  Renew

The Embassy Attacks09/15 4:00 A.M.
Disgrace in Benghazi
A dying superpower’s blundering response.
Foreign Policy09/13 8:00 P.M.
The Abandonment
Our closest ally, cast adrift.
The Embassy Attacks09/14 12:00 A.M.
Friendly vs. Unfriendly Oil
“Foreign” oil should mean Canadian.
The Embassy Attacks09/14 12:00 A.M.
The Hip-Hop President
His lack of righteous anger is exasperating.
The Embassy Attacks09/14 12:00 A.M.
Romney Is Right
Right in substance, and right to speak up.
The Embassy Attacks09/14 12:00 A.M.
O’s Dangerous Weakness
Not “soft power” — just soft.
The U.N.09/14 4:00 A.M.
A U.N. Price Tag
We need one.
Politics09/14 12:00 A.M.
The Brass Standard
Look at Clinton’s HUD.
201209/14 4:00 A.M.
No God in Charlotte
A platform gaffe reveals interparty gaps.
The Embassy Attacks09/13 4:00 A.M.
Arab Harvest
Barbarism is alive in Arab North Africa.
The Embassy Attacks09/13 4:00 A.M.
Fatal Arab Spring
How to confront murderous mobs?
201209/13 4:00 A.M.
Obama’s Tax-Hike Con
Team Obama attacks an imaginary tax plan.
The Welfare State09/13 4:00 A.M.
How Poor Is ‘Poor’?
Understanding the Census poverty numbers.
Economics09/13 12:00 A.M.
Depending on Dependency
Voters like those who feed them.
201209/13 12:00 A.M.
Let Bush Be
Obama’s blame campaign.
Iran09/13 12:00 A.M.
Sanctions Aren’t Enough
Economic warfare alone won’t deter Iran.
201209/13 4:00 A.M.
The GOP Can Win
Romney has a strong case.
Taxation09/13 12:00 A.M.
The Odd Man Out
Obama’s inflexibility on tax reform.
Energy09/13 4:00 A.M.
Stimulated by Solyndra?
Diana Furchtgott-Roth talks green jobs.
201209/12 4:00 A.M.
Mitt’s Ohio Obstacle
But Buckeye independents favor Romney.
POTUS09/12 4:00 A.M.
Obama and Infanticide
The media, still defending the indefensible.
201209/12 4:00 A.M.
High Stakes in Chicago
For Obama, reform or reelection?
201209/12 4:00 A.M.
Much Ado about Polling
Why do results vary so much?
Climate09/12 4:00 A.M.
Obama’s Drought of Facts
His climate adviser has it exactly wrong.
201209/12 12:00 A.M.
Forward to What?
“Progressing” from a past that never was.
201209/12 12:00 A.M.
Romney’s Losing Strategy
Now behind, it’s no time for caution.
201209/12 12:00 A.M.
An Economic ‘Plan’?
The president-creates-the-recovery myth.
Big Labor09/12 12:00 A.M.
‘A’ Is for Agitation
Radical Chicago teachers on parade.
Regulations09/12 4:00 A.M.
Dethrone the EPA
The EPA is the enemy of economic growth.
Sports09/12 4:00 A.M.
Just a Bit Outside
Team Israel’s manager on baseball and religion.
Between the Covers
Charles Kesler: I Am the Change10:41
2012 Special
689 Reasons to Defeat Obama: Nos. 601‒689
601. Panthers Stadium.
Scroll forward for 88 more reasons!
602. Have we mentioned Joe Biden?
603. Comparing himself to Martin Luther King.
604. Because not all of our foreign allies can “punch above their weight.”
605. He needs more time to hang out with celebrities.
606. Accepting Harry Reid’s lies about Romney’s tax returns.
607. “I’m LeBron, baby.”
608. Because since becoming president, Obama has appeared on The Tonight Show and The Late Show, taped a promotion for George Lopez, taped a video for The Colbert Report . . .
609. He has also taped a prime-time special with Oprah, been the subject of an NBC News prime-time special, been the subject of an HBO documentary, and grilled with Food Network star Bobby Flay.
610. And he has popped up in commercials during Thanksgiving football, and filled out his NCAA basketball tournament picks on ESPN; and now he is appearing on American Idol. (Again.)
611. Because we don’t want to eat our vegetables.
612. So Olympic gold medalist Gabby Douglas can once again enjoy an Egg McMuffin in peace.
613. Believing reducing “obesity” will save $1 trillion per year.
614. Lying about Romney’s position on abortion.
615. Borrowing arguments from Elizabeth Warren.
616. Being on the same team as Elizabeth Warren.
617. Because the Constitution was not “put to paper more than 20 centuries ago.”
618. Because encouraging Americans to buy “thingamajigs” is not an economic plan.
619. We can’t survive Obama’s dealing with foreign leaders for “the next eight to ten years.”
620. Because Georgia isn’t in Russia.
621. We rather like the words “created,” “Creator,” and “Life” in the Declaration of Independence.
622. Accusing Mitt Romney of killing a woman.
623. Because his main opponent is not “cynicism.”
624. Government is most definitely not “cool again.”
625. Demagoguing the PATRIOT Act and then quietly signing an extension.
626. Because Obama’s parents were supposedly inspired to get married by “Bloody Sunday” in Selma, Ala., which happened four years after their actual wedding.
627. For $40,000-a-plate fundraising dinners in Hollywood.
628. At a $38,500-a-plate fundraiser at the home of the CEO of the bank that advised GM during its bailout, he said: “A lot of people [here] have seen directly the damage that’s been done [by] this recession.”
629. The GSA spent $823,000 on a conference for 300 employees at a luxury Las Vegas hotel.
630. Airfare and lodging for the planning trips alone cost $147,000.
631. The GSA spent $3,200 on a mind reader.
632. The GSA spent $6,300 on commemorative coins.
633. The GSA spent $75,000 on a training exercise to build a bicycle.
634. The GSA treated 120 interns to a conference at a Palm Springs resort.
635. Richard Trumka is a frequent White House guest.
636. e. christi cunningham
637. Persecuting Boeing for expanding operations in a right-to-work state.
638. Card check.
639. Appointing Sharon Block and Richard Griffin to the National Labor Relations Board . . .
640. . . . as recess appointments.
641. The DISCLOSE Act.
642. Nationalizing the student-loan industry.
643. Using the loan market to push young people into the “helping” professions.
644. Because his wife’s last job paid in the middle six figures but she advised a roomful of working women to abjure financial gain to engage in public service.
645. Trying to end the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program.
646. And doing so while sending his daughters to Sidwell Friends.
647. Joe Biden.
648. Filing briefs in support of affirmative action and race-based quotas in public universities.
649. A new federal office specifically dedicated to educational efforts for African Americans.
650. Race-based quotas for school discipline.
651. “I am a strong supporter of affirmative action.”
652. Because he wants to squeeze the fruit again.
653. We don’t need a “civilian national-security force.”
654. We don’t need an Internet kill switch.
655. The FCC’s attempting to impose “net neutrality.”
656. “Nobody accused Mr. Romney of being a felon” (except Obama’s deputy campaign manager).
657. Trying to move the census from the Department of Commerce to the White House.
658. Valerie Jarrett.
659. He tried to appoint Tom Daschle.
660. “I don’t think you or anybody who’s been watching the campaign would say yes, that in any way we have tried to divide the country. We’ve always tried to bring the country together.”
661. Mom jeans.
662. Eating dog.
663. He picked his dog from the same litter as Ted Kennedy.
664. To give salmon regulators a break.
665. To shut up the Birthers . . .
666. . . . especially Trump . . .
667. . . . until Rubio runs.
668. So he can blame it on Bush.
669. It’s time for a Choom Gang reunion.
670. For governing “Present.”
671. If you’re going to fill your autobiography with fake women, you could at least make them more appealing.
672. That Jimmy Fallon appearance.
673. “Cominskey.”
674. Do it for Andrew Breitbart.
675. He throws like a girl.
676. He bowls like a four-and-a-half-year-old.
677. He wore a White Sox hat with a Nationals jersey to throw out his first pitch.
678. Roman Genn is really good at drawing Romney and Ryan.
679. We can’t take any more cowbell.
680. The presidency is really starting to eat into his golf game.
681. Comedians will be able to joke about the president again.
682. Bill Clinton needs this.
683. We need change we can believe in.
684. Recovery November.
685. The president can hook up again with Bill Ayers, “a guy who lives in [his] neighborhood.”
686. He’ll be able to spend more time with his family.
687. Because that first public cigarette will be smooooooth.
688. Because the post-election National Review cruise can’t stock enough liquor if it goes the other way.
689. Because you built that.

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The Embassy Attacks09/15 4:00 A.M.
O vs. the First Amendment
His statement reflects administration policy.
The Fed09/14 4:30 P.M.
Will and Friedman
The columnist learns the wrong lessons.
The Fed09/14 4:00 P.M.
Obamanomics Has Failed
And Ben Bernanke can’t bail it out.
Is President Obama in a stronger political position than you expected?


Those Wacky War Reenactors
The closest thing to time travel.
Cartoon of the Day

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Clinton Eulogizes at Andrews Air Force Base9:12
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Alienating an Ally8:09
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Jennifer Granholm on The Dating Game8:57
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Inside the Consulate at Benghazi

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