Medford Newsroom

Bureau of Land Management offices post News Releases to share news or let you know upcoming plans for their area. If you have questions regarding a specific News Release, contact information is at the top of each News Release. Please feel free to contact the Medford Office with your questions or comments, at (541) 618-2200 or by email.

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Medford News Releases in 2009Show  | Hide  
May 07 2009Interior Releases Budget Numbers
May 05 2009BLM Announces Stimulus Investment in Southern Oregon to Restore Landscapes, Develop Renewable Energy, and Create Jobs
May 05 2009ARRA Stimulus Projects Funded
Apr 08 2009Medford District Resource Advisory Committee to Meet on April 14, 15, and 16
Apr 06 2009Comment Period for Draft Timber Mountain Recreation Management Plan Extended
Mar 30 2009President Signs Legislation that Enhances Protection for Public Lands in Oregon and Washington
Mar 24 2009Table Rocks Hike Season Spring 2009
Mar 04 2009BLM Prepares for Upcoming Oil and Gas Lease Sale
Feb 27 2009BLM To Reduce Fuel Hazard and Increase Forest Health Through Controlled Burns This Spring
Feb 24 2009BLM Rogue River Restoration Proposal
Feb 20 2009BLM Seeking Input on the Draft Timber Mountain Recreation Management Plan
Feb 12 2009Northwest Firefighters to Help in Australia
Feb 06 2009BLM Executes Addendum to National Agreement and Conducts Tribal Outreach
Jan 30 2009BLM and Forest Service Announce 2009 Grazing Fee
Jan 21 2009BLM to Establish Special Offices to Expedite Development of Renewable Energy
Jan 14 2009Energy Corridors Designated in Eleven Western States
Jan 14 2009New Purchases of Western Land Parcels with High Conservation Values
Jan 05 2009BLM Director Names New National Landscape Conservation System Director
Dec 31 2008BLM Western Oregon Plan Decisions Released
Dec 23 2008Title II Money Available for Special BLM Projects
Dec 15 2008BLM Annouces Rare Species Guidance
Dec 04 2008BLM Announces Final Rule for Land Withdrawals
Dec 01 20082009 Rogue River Float Lottery Begins
Nov 20 20082008 PILT Payments Distributed
Nov 06 2008BLM Waives Recreation-related Fees for Veterans on Veterans Day
Nov 04 2008Western Oregon Plan Revision Protest Period
Oct 31 2008Public Invited to Annual Rogue River Users Meeting On November 5
Oct 31 2008Full Compensation for Payments In Lieu of Taxes
Oct 30 2008Final Right-of-Way Rental Fee Regulations
Oct 28 2008BLM Holds Field Tour of Proposed Fuels Demonstration Projects in the CSNM
Oct 23 2008Geothermal Energy and Power Generation on Federal Lands
Oct 09 2008Final BLM Western Oregon EIS Released


BLM Prepares for Upcoming Oil and Gas Lease Sale

Date: 3/4/09

Oil and Gas Lease Sale

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Oregon State Office has announced that it will offer four parcels totaling approximately 5,342 acres, in Oregon, at its March 12, 2009 Oil and Gas Lease Competitive Sale. All four parcels to be offered are in Wheeler County near Mitchell, Oregon. The sale will be held at 9:00 AM, Thursday, March 12, at the Robert Duncan Plaza Building, 333 SW 1st Avenue, Portland, Oregon in the 3rd floor conference rooms.

BLM Western Oregon Plan Decisions Released

Record of Decision Thumbnail

The BLM has issued the six Records of Decision (ROD) for the Resource Management Plans (RMP) that were developed under the Western Oregon Plan Revisions. With this action, the BLM has completed its revision of the land use plans that will guide the management of 2.6 million acres in western Oregon in the BLM's Salem, Eugene, Roseburg, Medford, and Coos Bay Districts, and the Klamath Falls Resource Area of the Lakeview District. The RMPs also comply with all applicable Federal laws including the O&C Lands Act, Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act.

The RODs formally adopt the Proposed Resource Management Plan (PRMP) that was put forward in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which was released in October 2008. Overall, when fully implemented, the six land use plans are expected to increase the timber harvest from current levels, increase receiprs to the O&C Counties, meet the conservation needs of the northern spotted owl, increase habitat for marbled murrelet, maintain water quality, and improve habitat for Federally-listed fish.

Relative Sizes Of The Land Use Allocations In The Western Oregon Plan Revisions

WOPR Final EIS Land Use Allocations

BLM Announces Availability of Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument Plan

Pilot Rock

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has approved the final plan for the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. The management plan sets forth the final direction for managing the 52,947 acres of BLM lands for the next ten years. The plan also provides the strategies needed to protect and preserve the biological, cultural, recreational, geological, educational and scientific values within the monument.

The 2000 Presidential Proclamation reserved the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument in recognition of its remarkable ecology and to protect a diverse range of biological, geological, aquatic, archeological, and historic objects. The Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument is the first monument set aside solely for the preservation of biodiversity. Due to several complex biological and geological factors and processes operating simultaneously, the monument contains an unusually high variety of species in a geographically small area.

Land use decisions made in this plan include: land tenure zoning classifications; designations of vegetation management areas; visual resource management classifications; programmatic and site-specific decisions related to livestock grazing; decisions regarding transportation and access (except those mandated by the presidential proclamation); wildland fire management; recreation management; and management of rights-of-way and communication sites.

Otak Reports on Little Hyatt Dam

Livestock Impact Study

BLM to Release Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument Livestock Impacts Studies

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Medford District today announced that is has completed the studies of livestock impacts for the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument (CSNM) and is releasing them to the public. A presentation of the results of the studies will be the subject of the February 1 "Science Friday" forum at the Southern Oregon University (SOU). The one hour presentation will begin at 3pm in Room 118 (Central Auditorium) in the Science Hall on the campus of SOU.

BLM Issues Temporary Off-Highway Vehicle Closure

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Medford District Office is temporarily closing several areas within the Timbered Mountain off-highway vehicle (OHV) area – also commonly referred to as the John's Peak area. The Timber Mountain OHV Area is located just west of the City of Jacksonville. The purpose of the emergency closure is to protect soils, water, and fisheries resources that are being adversely impacted by OHV use. The closure is also needed to protect public safety on Forest Creek County road. Regulations (43 CFR 8364.1) authorize the BLM to close or restrict use of public lands in order to protect public safety and resources on public lands.