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Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management

Journals & Newspapers

The Wirtz Labor Library currently subscribes to over 200 journals, largely in the areas of employment issues, economics and labor. The Library also maintains subscriptions to many local and national newsletters and updates published by a wide variety of trade unions. See the Library Catalog for specific titles.

The Library has a rich historical collection of past issues of trade union publications, statistical publications, and economic journals, many of which are stored in the Library's closed archival collections due to their age and rarity. Arrangements can be made through the Wirtz Labor Library Reference staff to use archival materials on the DOL Library premises. To search these collections, go to the Library Catalog.

Newspapers in Print

The Library subscribes to the following papers in print format and retains historical issues in microfilm and CD-ROM.

  • The Washington Post
  • The New York Times

Electronic Journals and Newspapers

The Wirtz Labor Library manages a Department-wide license to the ProQuest Direct database of over 1200 business related periodicals and newspapers. DOL employees interested in access to ProQuest Direct should contact the Reference staff for assistance (202-693-6600).

BNA Publications

The Wirtz Labor Library acts as a central order point for the Department's subscriptions to publications of the Bureau of National Affairs' (BNA). These titles, including the Daily Labor Report, the Occupational Safety and Health Reporter, and the Pension and Benefits Daily, are used by subscribers in every agency in DOL. The Library's bulk orders allow subscribers in disparate offices, both regional and National, to enjoy discounts resulting from combining a number of subscribers into one order from the Department. Contact the Library for more information.

DOL Publications

The Department of Labor issues a number of publications, which are available in the Library. The Library serves as the publications archive of DOL by retain three copies of all departmental publications. These include:

CD-ROM Sources