FAQ: Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC)

What is the TPCC and what can it do for me?

The Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC) is an interagency task force that ensures the coordination and development of a government-wide export promotion plan. It is made up of 20 agencies with a core of 7 agencies:

This committee is chaired by the Secretary of Commerce and the Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade.

The TPCC has four main customer service initiatives:

  • Training – Trade specialists are trained as account managers that are aware of all TPCC agency programs and can assist in guiding you to the agency that can best assist you.
  • Marketing – Export information is disseminated through a variety of programs, such as Export.gov, USA export pavillion, and the Ex-Im/SBA joint outreach program.
  • Program Integration – The TPCC agencies work together in providing services to US companies, such as Ex-IM/SBA Working Capital Coguarantee and the Joint CS-State Partner Post Program.
  • Information Sharing – Agency databases are shared with other TPCC agencies through system integrations, allowing the TPCC to provide U.S. companies with the most accurate and relevant information quickly.