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The Mission

The mission of the U.S. Attorney’s Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (LECC) is bring together ALL levels of law enforcement – local, tribal, state, and federal – to identify common goals and challenges, to establish common priorities, to make the most efficient use of limited resources, and to foster respect and cooperation within the community of law enforcement officers working in the state of Montana.


The LECC program was established on July 21, 1981 in all 94 U.S. Attorneys’ Offices by order of the United States Attorney General. The LECC provides a networking focus for law enforcement executives committed to the ideal of cooperation and coordination at all levels of tribal, local, state and federal law enforcement.


Through training and various meetings, the LECC also provides a forum for the open exchange of ideas and information among law enforcement agency members and will continue to lend support to facilitating cooperative and joint law enforcement operations. In addition, the LECC works to enhance coordination and cooperation among all law enforcement agencies.

District of Montana Law Enforcement Coordinator

Keri Leggett is the Law Enforcement Coordinator for the District of Montana. She serves as the point of contact for all law enforcement. For information or assistance concerning federal anti-crime programs or other law enforcement issues, fell free to contact her at (406) 761-7715 or

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