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The Victim Witness Assistance Program in each United States Attorney's Office was established to carry out the mandates of the Federal Victim and Witness Protection Act of l982 and subsequent legislation. These victim/witness assistance and protection laws apply to all victims and witnesses of federal crime who have suffered physical, financial, or emotional trauma. A variety of notification and assistance services are provided to victims and witnesses of federal crime by Assistant United States Attorneys, the Victim-Witness Coordinator, and other U. S. Attorney's Office staff, with the assistance of federal law enforcement agencies.

The United States Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York is committed to protecting the rights of crime victims.

.**If you are a crime victim seeking further information on a PENDING CASE that was listed in a Public or Legal Notice of a national or local newspaper please click the PENDING CASES on the left hand side of this screen.


Restitution is the process of giving back to the proper owner something taken away or lost. In federal court, the defendant may be ordered to pay restitution for costs resulting from injury, or damage or loss of property. The defendant may also be ordered to pay for lost income, child care, transportation, and other expenses related to the victim's participation in the investigation or prosecution of an offense.

You can learn more about Restitution in this brochure Link to RESTITUTION BROCHURE