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        In the Western District of North Carolina, the Law EnforcementCoordinating Committee (LECC) provides a district-wide network of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies committed to cooperation and coordination. The LECC’s mission is to foster effective communication and cooperation among the district’s local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies; to identify and address current and emerging regional and national crime trends and threats; to provide leadership, guidance, and resources to support established training objectives for the district’s law enforcement community; and to provide advance planning and ensure cooperation in the event of a major incident in the district. The LECC sponsors or co-sponsors no or low-cost training programs and seminars addressing subjects relevant to all levels of law enforcement officials. Training topics are wide-ranging and reflect current challenges and trends including but not limited to Hate Crimes, Officer Safety, Prescription Drugs, Anti-Gang Strategies, and Federal Discovery Best Practices.

        In addition to training, LECC works to enhance coordination and cooperation among all law enforcement agencies. The Law Enforcement Coordinator is involved in a variety of programs and initiatives. These include Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN); the Governor’s Gang Task Force, Focused Deterrence, Weed and Seed, Anti-Violent Crime Initiatives, Anti-Bullying Initiatives, Community Outreach, and other community safety and crime prevention initiatives.

        The United States Attorney's Office, through the LECC program, plays an important role in helping state and local law enforcement agencies gain access to federal resources. Law enforcement agencies frequently ask for information on available grants. With the exception of funding for community policing, all Department of Justice grants are administered by the Office of Justice Programs (OJP). The primary component of OJP for funding of law enforcement programs is the Bureau of Justice Assistance. It concerns grant funding for community oriented police officers and related initiatives, and can be found at the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS).

        Frederick Hudson is the Law Enforcement Coordinator for the Western District of North Carolina. He serves as the point of contact for all law enforcement. For information or assistance concerning federal anti-crime programs or other law enforcement issues, feel free to contact him at 704-338-3106


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Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee

Training and seminars for
Federal, State, and Local
Law Enforcement Agencies.

Project Safe Childhoods

Our nation-wide commitment to reducing gun crime in America.

Victim Witness Assistance

Making sure that victims of federal crimes are treated with compassion, fairness and respect.

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Report Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities Fraud