Flight Engineer Sunita Williams' Space Station Journals

    KSC-06PD-2676 -- Mission Specialist Sunita Williams Image above: Mission Specialist Sunita Williams made her first shuttle flight on STS-116. Williams will serve as a flight engineer on Expeditions 14 and 15. Image credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett


  • ISS015-E-10469 --- The profile of the atmosphere and a setting sun


    We really have the most beautiful planet in our solar system.

  • Expedition 15 Commander Fyodor Yurchikhin

    Strolling, Russian Style

    We are now the "Christmas Tree gang"...

  • Expedition 15 Flight Engineer Suni Williams

    First, Last, Many More to Come

    You know that feeling when you are on vacation and all of a sudden it is the last night you will be there.

  • Fyodor Yurchikhin is pictured near fresh fruit floating freely

    It's All About Food

    "Well it has been quite a week."

  • Cape Cod

    Happy Mother's Day

    "The space traffic pattern is getting busy! Progress 25 launched early Saturday morning."

  • Sunita L. Williams

    Cinco de Mayo

    "Right to work this week, no lollygagging around."

  • Expedition 15 crew

    Home Alone

    "So, the three of us were looking at each other last Sunday thinking now what do we do. ..."

  • ISS014-E-19924 - Cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin and astronaut Sunita Williams

    New Boys on the Block

    "It has been a crazy and emotional week. Lots going on to get the Expedition 14 crew and Charles ready to go home."

  • ISS014-E-20131 - The crew members onboard the ISS share a meal

    Holidays with Friends

    "You know what it is like when company arrives - and stays for a while? It is really fun and exciting at first."

  • ISS014-E-18981 - Astronaut Sunita Williams

    Last Week by Ourselves

    "Well, this was our last week together, alone."

  • ISS014-E-18743 -- Astronaut Sunita Williams dons her Russian Sokol launch and entry suit

    The Longest Day

    "So I was telling you about our long day, Thursday, Soyuz re-docking day."

  • ISS014-E-17880 -- The SPHERES experiment

    Party Week

    "We've had a lot to celebrate up here this week."

  • ISS014-E-17233 -- SPHERES experiment

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    "Finally we got to open the lab window again - we turned around to fly forward again and even did a reboost."

  • ISS014-E-16180 -- Astronaut Sunita Williams participates in ALTEA operations

    Science is Fun

    "Unfortunately, flying backwards has its downsides..."

  • ISS014-E-15350 -- Astronaut Sunita Williams hoists the TVIS

    As the World Turns and ISS Orbits

    "One interesting observation of the week: we don't walk around up here - we float around in socks or bare feet."

  • Mikhail Tyurin conducts spacewalk

    Watching Other People Work

    "You probably already know, but the Russian EVA was entirely successful. "

  • Suni Williams with chopsticks

    Attack of the Wasabi

    "Well, we started opening my food containers the other week."

  • Suni Williams and Mike Lopez-Alegria

    Playing Outside

    "Pre-breathe and getting ready to go outside... it is a long process."

  • Suni Williams conducts spacewalk

    Camping, Camp-out, Sleepover

    "Well, you probably know this last week was EVA week. Lots of last minute preps to get this ready. ..."

  • Suni Williams

    Week In The Limelight

    "There are some fringe benefits in this job because some folks are interested in what we are doing and we are happy to tell folks about what life is like here."

  • Progress supply vehicle

    Taking Out the Trash

    "With an empty docking port we have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the next Progress, and early Saturday morning we got sight of her."

  • Lopez-Alegria trims Tyurin's hair

    Happy Martin Luther King Day Weekend

    "Both Misha and LA got their hair cut this week!"

  • ISS014-E-09859 --- Sunita L. Williams looks over procedures checklists in the Quest Airlock.

    Merry Russian Christmas

    "So, it's finally back to work for everyone after the holidays."

  • ISS014-E-10591 -- Astronaut Sunita Williams exercises on the TVIS

    Happy New Year

    "I would like to invite ya'll to please join me in working out for the next 6 months!"

  • S116-E-05190 -- Astronaut Sunita Williams

    First Week in Space

    "I don't think my stomach knew what was going on at all!"

  • KSC-06PD-2632 -- Launch Director Mike Leinbach welcomes STS-116 Mission Specialist Sunita Williams

    L-1 Week

    "I invite all of you to join me in following our progress as we continue to build the ISS as well as continue to do science activities onboard."

  • KSC-06PD-2585 -- Mission Specialist Sunita Williams is helped with her boot

    L – 4 ½ Weeks

    "Then we go to KSC (Kennedy Space Center, in Florida) for TCDT (Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test) in which we simulate the entire process of launch."

  • KSC-06PD-2294 -- STS-116 Mission Specialist Sunita Williams

    L – 7 Weeks

    "Last week was CEIT, Crew Equipment Interface Test."

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