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Freedom of Information Act

FOIA Contact:

Jeremy LaFrancois
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission
Room 6002, 600 E Street, NW
Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20579-0001
(202) 616-6975

Conventional Reading Room:

Foreign Claims Settlement Commission
Room 6002, 
600 E Street, NW
Department of Justice
Washington, DC

FOIA Library:

This includes frequently requested records, opinions, policy statements, and staff manuals/instructions to staff, created by the Office of Foreign Claims Settlement Commission after November 1, 1996.

Component Description:

The Foreign Claims Settlement Commission adjudicates claims of United States nationals for losses resulting from the uncompensated nationalization or other taking of their property by foreign governments, and claims for compensation based on wartime confinement of United States servicemen and civilians as prisoners of war or civilian internees. The Commission maintains records on all such claims, on inquiries concerning such claims, and on the administration of the programs in which those claims are adjudicated. The Commission also maintains records on its own administrative operations and procedures.


A comprehensive guide to the FOIA that serves as a handbook for obtaining information from the Department.

Special information required to make a FOIA request:


Publicly available information for which a FOIA request is not required:

Decisions of past claims programs. If interested in such information, please contact the office listed above.

Major Information Systems:

Claims Against Albania

Claims Against Libya
General Information Office of Foreign Claims Settlement Commission
Timothy J. Feighery
Rafael E. Martinez
Anuj Desai
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission
(202) 616-6975
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