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Quality of Health Information

Prevention & Wellness : 1-10 of 13 Results
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The goal of is to provide easy to understand health information and tools to help you and those you care about stay healthy. Learn about quality guidelines used when developing origin... Details >

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

A User's Guide to Finding and Evaluating Health Information on the Web  External Link

This guide written by medical librarians provides consumer tips on how to search for and evaluate online health information.... Details >

Medical Library Association  External Link

Cancer Information: Where To Find Help  External Link

This booklet contains listings of organizations that provide information on preventing, treating and living with cancer.... Details >

American Institute for Cancer Research  External Link

Cancer Risk: What Does That Newspaper Article Really Say?

Newspapers often publish summaries of recent medical studies that claim to have found new ways to lower your risk for cancer. Learn how to analyze what you read so that you can judge the accuracy and ... Details >

National Cancer Institute

CAPHIS Top 100 Health Web Sites You Can Trust  External Link

The Consumer and Patient Health Information Section (CAPHIS) of the Medical Library Association has reviewed and approved this list of health web sites for consumers researching health care informatio... Details >

Medical Library Association  External Link

Guide to Health Care Quality: How to Know It When You See It

This guide is designed to help you get quality health care, stay healthy, and recover faster when you become sick. Tips are provided to help you be active in making decisions about your health care. ... Details >

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

HON Code of Conduct for Medical and Health Web Sites  External Link

The HONcode certification is an ethical standard aimed at offering quality health information. It demonstrates the intent of a website to publish useful, objective and correct data.... Details >

Health On the Net Foundation  External Link

How to Evaluate Health Information on the Internet

These questions and answers can help you determine whether the health information you find on the Internet or receive by e-mail from a Web site is likely to be reliable. Learn how the federal governme... Details >

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

How To Evaluate Health Information on the Internet: Questions and Answers

This fact sheet contains information to help people decide whether the health information they find on the Internet or receive via e-mail is likely to be reliable.... Details >

National Cancer Institute

Interactive Health Communication Application Checklist

This checklist of questions was created to help you judge whether health information offered by an interactive health communication (IHC) application is useful and reliable.... Details >

Nonprofit/Professional Entity--Follow the Resource URL for More Information

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