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  Section 271 Applications

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BOC Authorization to Provide In-region, InterLATA Services
Under Sections 271 and 272

Under section 271 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, the Bell Operating Companies (BOCs) must file applications with the FCC on a state-by-state basis in order to provide in-region interLATA services. As of December 3, 2003, the Commission had granted all of the BOCs section 271 authorization for the provision of in-region, interLATA services in all of the BOCs’ territories nationwide.

For three years after a BOC obtains section 271 authorization, unless the Commission extends this three-year period, section 272 requires BOCs to provide in-region, interLATA telecommunications services through separate corporate affiliates, subject to certain safeguards. The Commission did not extend the period for which section 272 safeguards applies. Thus, as of December, 3, 2006, the section 272 requirements, other than those in section 272(e), had sunset by operation of law throughout all BOC regions. Accordingly, section 272 does not preclude the BOCs from providing in-region, interLATA, long distance services either directly or through an affiliate that is not a section 272 separate affiliate in all their in-region states.

Despite the sunset of section 272’s requirements, however, the BOCs continued to provide virtually all of their in-region, interstate, interLATA, long distance services through their section 272 separate affiliates. Under the Commission’s rules at the time, a BOC was forced to choose between two different regulatory regimes in providing in-region, long distance services, both of which impose significant burdens and costs: the BOC could provide these services on a nondominant carrier basis through a section 272 separate affiliate; alternatively, it could provide these services directly or through an affiliate that is not a section 272 separate affiliate subject to dominant carrier regulation, including rate regulation and tariff-filing requirements.

On August 31, 2007, the Commission adopted a new regulatory framework. Under this framework, AT&T, Qwest, and Verizon may provide in-region, interstate, long distance services either directly or through affiliates that are neither section 272 separate affiliates nor rule 64.1903 separate affiliates, subject to nondominant carrier regulation, as long as they comply with certain targeted safeguards and other continuing statutory and regulatory obligations.

Key Orders Affecting BOC Obligations Under Section 272

FCC Replaces Outmoded Long-Distance Rules With New Protections For Consumers.
News Release:Word | Acrobat
FCC 07-159 (Order): Word | Acrobat
Copps & Adelstein Joint Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat
FCC 07-160 (Order): Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Grants in Part, Denies in Part, Qwest's Petition for Forbearance From Enforcement of the Commission's Dominant Carrier Rules as They Apply After Section 272 Sunsets.
MO&O: Word | Acrobat
Copps & Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

Section 271 Applications Filed with the FCC
State(s) Filed by: Status Date Filed Date Resolved Sunset Notice
Arizona Qwest Approved 9/4/03 12/03/03 DA 06-2464
Word | PDF
Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin SBC Approved 7/17/03 10/15/03 DA 06-2036
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Michigan SBC Approved 6/19/03 9/17/03 DA 06-1881
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Minnesota Qwest Approved 2/28/03 06/26/03 DA 06-1314
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Michigan SBC Withdrawn 1/15/03 04/16/03 DA 03-1168
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Nevada Qwest Approved 1/15/03 04/15/03 DA 06-857
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New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota SBC Approved 1/14/03 04/14/03 DA 06-858
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District of Columbia, Maryland, West Virginia Verizon Approved 12/18/02 03/19/03 DA 06-629
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Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming QWEST Approved 09/30/02 12/23/02 DA-05-3313
California SBC Approved 09/20/02 12/19/02 DA-05-3234
Florida, Tennessee BellSouth Approved 09/20/02 12/19/02 DA-05-3228
Virginia Verizon Approved 08/01/02 10/30/02 DA-05-2862
Montana, Utah, Washington, Wyoming QWEST Withdrawn 07/12/02 09/10/02 DA-02-2230
New Hampshire, Delaware Verizon Approved 06/27/02 09/25/02 DA-05-2523
Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina BellSouth Approved 06/20/02 09/18/02 DA-05-2462
Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota QWEST Withdrawn 06/13/02 09/10/02 DA-02-2230
New Jersey Verizon Approved 03/26/02 06/24/02 DA-05-1784
Maine Verizon Approved 3/21/02 6/19/02 DA-05-1699
Georgia, Louisiana BellSouth Approved 2/14/02 5/15/02 DA-05-1354
Vermont Verizon Approved 1/17/02 4/17/02 DA-05-1111
New Jersey Verizon Withdrawn 12/20/01 3/20/02 DA-02-664
Rhode Island Verizon Approved 11/26/01 2/24/02 DA 05-485
Georgia, Louisiana Bellsouth Withdrawn 10/02/01 12/20/01 DA 01-2991
Arkansas, Missouri SBC Approved 08/20/01 11/16/01 FCC 04-269
Pennsylvania Verizon Approved 6/21/01 9/19/01 DA 04-3006
Connecticut Verizon Approved 4/23/01 7/20/01 DA 04-2189
Missouri SBC Withdrawn 4/4/01 6/7/01 DA 01-1402
Massachusetts Verizon Approved 1/16/01 4/16/01 FCC 04-101
Kansas, Oklahoma SBC Approved 10/26/00 1/22/01 FCC 04-14
Massachusetts Verizon Withdrawn 9/22/00 12/18/00 DA 00-2851
Texas SBC Approved 4/5/00 6/30/00 FCC 02-335
Texas SBC Withdrawn 1/10/00 4/05/00 DA 01-768
New York Verizon Approved 9/29/99 12/23/99 FCC 02-336
Louisiana BellSouth Denied 7/9/98 10/13/98 FCC 98-271
Louisiana BellSouth Denied 11/6/97 2/4/98 FCC 98-17
South Carolina BellSouth Denied 9/30/97 12/24/97 FCC 97-418
Michigan Ameritech Denied 5/21/97 8/19/97 FCC 97-298
Oklahoma SBC Denied 4/11/97 6/26/97 FCC 97-228
Michigan Ameritech Withdrawn 1/02/97 2/12/97 DA 97-331

last reviewed/updated on August 12, 2009  

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