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Drinking Water

Diseases & Conditions : 1-4 of 4 Results

FAQ - About Drinking Water

This site contains answers from consumers about their drinking water -- its sources, treatment and safety. It also provides a link to EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline.... Details >

Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Arsenic in Drinking Water

Studies have linked long-term exposure of arsenic in drinking water to a variety of cancers in humans. To protect human health, an EPA standard limits the amount of arsenic in drinking water at .010 p... Details >

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Copper And The Environment  External Link

Links to articles that discuss how copper interacts with the environment in a variety of common applications . . . from plumbing to heat efficiency. The information has been broken down into four main... Details >

Nonprofit/Professional Entity--Follow the Resource URL for More Information


This interactive web site allows users to view and query several types of environmental information, including drinking water, toxic and air releases, hazardous waste, water discharge permits, and Sup... Details >

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency