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Diseases & Conditions : 1-6 of 6 Results

Arthritis: Psychology of Pain  External Link

Arthritis attacks cause physical pain that can prompt feelings of depression, sadness and loss. Learn how "mind body" pain management techniques and a qualified professional can help with emotional is... Details >

National Pain Foundation  External Link

Chronic Pelvic Pain: A Patient Education Booklet - (PDF)  External Link

This page provides information about the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of chronic pelvic pain (CPP), including a list of things you can do to help your doctor diagnose and treat you.... Details >

International Pelvic Pain Society   External Link

Find a Pain Management Professional  External Link

Search this database by zip code or last name to locate an American Academy of Pain Management member in your area. A link to a database where you may search for a pain management program is also prov... Details >

American Academy of Pain Management  External Link

Handout on Health: Back Pain

The handout describes causes, diagnosis, and treatments for back pain, and and what you can do to prevent it.... Details >

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Information Clearinghouse

Pain — Hope Through Research

This overview describes differences between acute and chronic pain, common pain syndromes, treatments, how pain affects different people, and ongoing research to better understand and control the caus... Details >

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health

Pain Drawing for Patients - (PDF)  External Link

Download and complete a pain drawing to help describe the location and intensity of your pain to your physician.... Details >

American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation  External Link

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