Web Only - Unpublished OAS Reports

SAMHSA's Office of Applied Studies (OAS)  provides the following reports only on the Web.  The detailed tables provide more specific data than found in the standard reports.  Other OAS reports made available only on the web include technical reports of interest to a small but select group of people or web-based information, such as the state substance abuse treatment admissions data.  Click on "Pubs" in the OAS header banner above for information on all the publication series produced by OAS.


bullet2008 SAMHSA National Survey on Drug Use and Health:  Detailed Tables (HTML)   (PDF format)

bullet Detailed tables from all National Surveys on Drug Use & Health  

bulletDetailed tables on alcohol and tobacco use

bulletN-SSATS quick statistics - State profiles - by facility characteristics

bulletTEDS quick statistics - Summary tables of substance Abuse treatment admissions data by State (from 1992 to most recent year submitted by each State)

bulletSubstance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator - A searchable file of over 11,000 facilities in the U.S. with maps  For a description and guidance for using the Locator, click here


bulletState level data

bulletState treatment planning areas


bulletAlcohol and Drug Services Study (ADSS) methodology & reports

bulletMethodology and other OAS reports only available on the web

Published OAS Reports:

bulletReports on selected topics

bulletShort reports - on current topics in substance abuse

bulletHighlights from recently published OAS reports

bullet OAS publication series

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Methodology and Other Reports Available Only on the Web


Discharges from Substance Abuse Treatment Services:  Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), 2003 (PDF) 

The DASIS Report:  Analyzing TEDS Using the New Graphing Features of the Online Data Analysis System (DAS)

The DASIS Report:  Analyzing Geographic Areas Within TEDS

Summary Documentation of Selected Survey Activities from the NHSDA (PDF format, 252 KB)

Use of Incidence and Prevalence in the Substance Use Literature:  A Review  (PDF format, 116 KB)

Alcohol and Drug Services Study (ADSS) Methodology and Reports

Changes in Race and Ethnicity Questions:  1999-2001 NHSDA (PDF format, 3.2 MB)

 NHSDA Questionnaires and Related Materials  

Substance Abuse Treatment Admission Data by State 

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Detailed Tables
National Survey on Drug Use & Health
formerly called the Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA)


State level data

Detailed tables on alcohol and tobacco use

National Data (Detailed Tables):

2008 National Survey on Drug Use and Health:  Detailed tables

2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health:  Detailed tables

2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health:  Detailed tables

2005 National Survey on Drug Use and Health:  Detailed tables

2004 National Survey on Drug Use and Health:  Detailed tables

2003 National Survey on Drug Use & Health:  Detailed tables 

2002 National Survey on Drug Use & Health:  Detailed tables 

2001 detailed tables

2000 detailed tables

1999 detailed tables

1998 detailed tables

For other NHSDA reports, click here.

This page was last updated on September 10 , 2009.