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National Agricultural Statistics Service

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Survey Archived Reports


File Size

125 Years of Agricultural Estimates

1043 KB

A Comparison of CATI and NONCATI on a Nebraska Hog Survey

912 KB

A Comparison of Four Alternative Weighted Estimators to the Open Estimator for Use in the Agricultural Labor Survey

993 KB

A Comparison of Three Rules for Associating Farms and Farmland with Sample Area Segments in Agricultural Surveys

855 KB

A Comparison of the Part A and Part C Procedures for Estimating Cattle Inventories on Public Lands

1763 KB

A General Overview of the Missing Data Problem (SRS Working Paper)

368 KB

A Guide to Area Sampling Frame Construction Utilizing Satellite Imagery

2096 KB

A Multiple Frame Design to Estimate Economic Distributional Effects

561 KB

A Preliminary Look at a National Area Sampling Allocation

291 KB

A Review and Evaluation of Unusual Outlier Component Detection and Robust Estimation Procedures Used by the 1989 Hog Board

1322 KB

A Review of the Nonoverlap Component of the June 1990 Multiple Frame Indications

638 KB

A Review of the State of the Art in Automated Data Editing and Inputation

2639 KB

A Rotation Sampling Plan for ESCS Quarterly Hog Surveys

864 KB

A Simulation Study to Compare Procedures wich Impute for Missing Items on an ESS Hog Survey

888 KB

A Statistical Edit for Livestock Slaughter Data

1421 KB

A Study Using the ASCS Farm Serial Number as the Sampling Unit and Reporting Unit for Crop and Livestock Reports

426 KB

A Study of Hog Questionnaire Modifications

2020 KB

A Theory of Minimum Mean Square Estimation in Surveys with Nonresponse

1494 KB

A Training Course in Sampling Concepts for Agricultural Surveys

3311 KB

Adjusting for Nonresponse in the December Enumerative Survey

1236 KB

Agricultural Surveys and Technology

803 KB

Allocations Requiring 100% Sampling in Some Strata

288 KB

Alternate Sampling Frame Construction for the Prices Paid by Framers Survey -- An Overview

927 KB

An Alternative Method to Produce Prices Received Estimates

852 KB

An Analysis of 1979 Nebraska Rotation Plan for the Quarterly Hog Survey

418 KB

An Analysis of the Cognitive Aspects of the January 1993 Cattle on Feed Survey Quality Assessment

2479 KB

An Analysis of the Sampling Frame for the Chemical Use and Farm Finance Survey

944 KB

An Assessment of the Frozen Weights Procedure March and September Multiple Frame Hog Survey

878 KB

An Empirical Study of Multivariate Stratification

1172 KB

An Empirical Study of the Area Frame Stratification

3403 KB

An Evaluation of Alternative Weights for a Weighted Estimator

1704 KB

An Evaluation of Categorical Data Analysis Methodology for County Estimates in North Carolina

1088 KB

An Evaluation of Enumeration Techniques and Associated Response Errors and Biases

916 KB

An Evaluation of Four Potential Problems with the Agricultural Survey Substitution Procedures

3062 KB

An Evaluation of List-only, Reweighted, and Other Estimators for U.S. Agricultural Labor Surveys

3235 KB

An Evaluation of Truncation Estimators for Improving State Estimates of Total Hogs

1412 KB

An Image Analysis System to Develop Area Sampling Frames for Agricultural Surveys

873 KB

An Operator Dominant List Frame

1118 KB

An Optimum Allocation Algorithmfor Multivariate Surveys

466 KB

Analysis of 1973 Nebraska June Enumerative Survey and Multiple Frame Survey Livestock Estimates Reduced List Sample Concept

1190 KB

Analysis of Generalized Post-Stratification Approach for the Agricultural Labor Survey

2273 KB

Analysis of Item Nonresponse, Imputation and Editing in the 1989 Farm Costs and Returns Survey for Iowa and North Carolina

3146 KB

Analysis of List Coverage Problems and the NOL Domain

1031 KB

Analysis of Reponse Errors in the December 1988 and December 1989 Quarterly Agricultural Survey Data

1566 KB

Analysis of Response Bias in the January 1992 Cattle on Feed Reinterview Pilot Study and the July 1992 Cattle on Feed Reinterview Study

2804 KB

Analysis of Response Bias in the January 1993 Cattle on Feed Survey Quality Assessment

2983 KB

Analysis of Two Area Frame Based Sampling Designs

623 KB

Annotated Glossary of Selected Sampling Terms

720 KB

Application of the Multiple Frame Design in an Economic Distributional Effects Study

2013 KB

Area Frame Design for Agricultural Surveys

3861 KB

Area Frame Estimators in Agricultural Surveys Sampling Versus Nonsampling Errors

685 KB

Area Frame Sampling in Agriculture

5776 KB

Associating a Reporting Unit with a List Frame Sampling Unit in Multiple Frame Sampling - Ohio and Wisconsin

2428 KB

Collection and Use of Social Security Numbers in the Area Frame

1389 KB

Comparison of 1993 Fruit Pesticide Use Survey Data and CALEPA Data

1358 KB

Comparison of the Operational and Cropland Weighted Estimators

1318 KB

Comparitive Effeciency of Sampling Plans (Pages 101-46)

1426 KB

Comparitive Efficiency of Sampling Plans (Pages 1-100)

3011 KB

Composite Estimation of Totals for Livestock Surveys

2544 KB

Composite Estimation

755 KB

Composite Estimators in the June Hog Series

3009 KB

Composite Estimators in the June Hog Series2

2996 KB

Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing on the Cattle Multiple Frame Survey

980 KB

Computer-Aided Stratification and Sampling

384 KB

Computing Design Efficiency of Area Sampling Frames

311 KB

Computing Inclusion Probabilities

225 KB

Construction of a Remotely Sensed Area Sampling Frame for Southern Brazil

1527 KB

Data Imputation Study on Oklahoma DES

301 KB

Detecting a Rotational Bias on Multiple Frame Surveys

364 KB

Effects of Selected Procedures on Mail Questionnaire Response by Farm Operators

237 KB

Effects of a Design Deviant Allocation

344 KB

Effects of a New Area Sampling Frame on Levels of Estimates

248 KB

Error Profile for Multiple-Frame Surveys

1466 KB

Estimating Dry Bean Acreage in Michigan Second Year Results

731 KB

Estimating Dry Bean Acreage in Michigan

1060 KB

Estimating List Frame Duplication

1593 KB

Estimating Variances for the June Enumerative Surveys

425 KB

Estimating the Coverage of Farm Service Agency Crop Acreage Totals

2451 KB

Estimating the Non-overlap Variance Component for Multiple Frame Agricultural Surveys

949 KB

Estimation of Agricultural Surveys by Sample Surveys, The US Experience

935 KB

Estimation of Characteristics from Restricted or Censored Sample Data

255 KB

Estimation of QAS List Frame Hog Totals Using a Revised Estimator - An Emprical Investigation

1777 KB

Estimation of Totals Using Multiyear June Agricultural Survey Data

1684 KB

Estimation of Totals for Skewed Populations in Repeated Agricultural Surveys Hogs and Pigs (Pages 1-100)

3371 KB

Estimation of Totals for Skewed Populations in Repeated Agricultural Surveys Hogs and Pigs (Pages 101-10)

258 KB

Evaluating the Quality of Iowa Inshipment Data

1161 KB

Evaluating the Use of the ASCS List of Farm Operators as a Survey Sampling Frame

1897 KB

Evaluation for Crop Inputation Procedures for the Quarterly Agricultural Survey

1010 KB

Evaluation of Estimation Options for the Monthly Farm Labor Survey

1150 KB

Evaluation of Historical Data Use in the 1992 August Yield Survey

1104 KB

Evaluation of Multiyear Method for Estimation of Crop and Livestock Totals

1453 KB

Evaluation of Procedures for One-Month-Ahead Forecasts of Prices Received by Farmers

804 KB

Evaluation of Time Series Model Forecasts for Minnesota-Wisconsin Milk Price

966 KB

Evaluation of Using Previously Reported Data in the 1993 Agricultural Yield Surveys

1418 KB

Evaluation of a Menu Approach to CATI and the Use of Historical Data 1987 December Agricultural Survey

747 KB

Evaluation of a Redesigned Onfarm Grain Stocks Questionnaire

2090 KB

Evaluation of an Alternative Sample Design for the FCRS Area Frame Sample

560 KB

Evaluation of the SPEER Automatic Edit and Imputation System

2679 KB

Examination of the Effect of the Respondent and the Collection Method on Survey Results

1151 KB

Examining the Use of Dairy Herd Improvement Association Data to Estimate Monthly Milk Production

888 KB

Expected Value of a Sample Estimate (Pages 1-100)

3079 KB

Expected Value of a Sample Estimate (Pages 101-45)

1327 KB

Farmers' Attitudes Towards Crop and Livestock Surveys

1567 KB

Fiddling with Area Frame Information in List Development and Maintenance

308 KB

Frame for Sampling Farms by Use of Postal Rural Routes

719 KB

Generalized Post-Stratified Estimators in the Agricultural Labor Survey

1553 KB

Generalized Post-Stratified Estimators in the Agricultural Labor Surveys

1798 KB

History of Reinterview Studies at NASS

647 KB

How Questionnaire Design May Affect Survey Data Wyoming Study

952 KB

Identifying and Classifying Reasons for Nonresponse on the 1990 Farm Costs and Returns Survey

788 KB

Identifying and Classifying Reasons for Nonresponse on the 1991 Farm Costs and Returns Survey

1722 KB

Impact of Nonsampling Errors on Weighted Tract Survey Indications

1034 KB

Improving Grain Stock Estimates from the June Enuerative Survey

887 KB

Improving Response to Mial Surveys of Farmers and Ranchers

727 KB

Improving Variance Estimates for Livestock Surveys

401 KB

Improving the Editing and Imputation in Live Weights in the Weekly Slaughter Survey

995 KB

Integrated Agricultural Surveys

1077 KB

Introductory Theory for Sample Surveys (Pages 1-100)

3049 KB

Introductory Theory for Sample Surveys (Pages 101-36)

1238 KB

Investigating the Development of a Peak Worker Index Based on Selected Control Data

1616 KB

June 1990 Reinterview Survey Part I, Efect of Alternative Acreage Operated Questions on Reported Acreages and Number of Hogs on Farms

2065 KB

June 1990 Reinterview Survey Part II, Effect of Parcel and Field Level Acreage Questions

1412 KB

Management Practices and Reforestation Decisions for Harvested Southern Pinelands

2765 KB

Mathematical Formulae for the 1989 Survey Processing System (SPS) Summary

2241 KB

Missing Data Procedures A Comparitive Study

837 KB

Missing Data Procedures A Compartive Study, Part 2

1405 KB

Mobile Computerized Data Entry and Edit for the Livestock Prices Received Survey

1111 KB

Modification of FCRS Nonresponse Adjustment Procedures

1957 KB

Modified Agricultural Weighted Estimators

1035 KB

Modifying the Weighted Estimator to Eliminate Screening Interviews in Residential Areas

740 KB

Multiple Frame Estimation with Stratified Overlap Domain

668 KB

Multiple Frame Livestock Surveys A Comparison of Area and List Sampling

1172 KB

Multiple Frame Livestock Surveys An Evaluation of Alternative Methods of Overlap Determination

1747 KB

National Area Sample Allocation Analysis

382 KB

Nonresponse Adjustments in NASS Agricultural Surveys

1408 KB

Optimizing the Use of List and Area Samples in Livestock Multiple Frame Surveys

1696 KB

Paper Stratification in SRS Area Sampling Frame

664 KB

Pilot Study of the Potential Contributions of Landsat Data in the Construction of Area Sampling Frames

2309 KB

Problems with Telephone Surveys

1404 KB

Procedures to Adjust for Nonresponse to the June Enumerative Survey

1678 KB

Prospects for Conducting Household Surveys with an Agricultural Area Frame

784 KB

Ranking States for Area Frame Development

639 KB

Ratings of Organizational Quality and Productivity in the National Agricultural Statistics Service

1788 KB

Record Linkage I Evaluation of Commercially Available Record Linkage Software for Use in NASS

2672 KB

Record Linkage II Experience Using AUTOMATCH for Record Linkage in NASS

3146 KB

Record Linkage III Experience Using AUTOMATCH in State Office Setting

1355 KB

Redrawing the 1993 Farm Costs and Returns Survey List Frame Sample to Reduce Its Overlap with the 1992 FCRS and Three Other Major 1993 Surveys

3873 KB

Reliability and Adequacy of Farm-Price Data

3888 KB

Replicated Sampling and an Application to List Frame Surveys

593 KB

Reporting Consistency for Winter Wheat Planted Acreage A Comparison of QAS and FSA Data for Kansas

2807 KB

Response Bias in the Quarterly Agricultural Survey Crop Acreage Data December 1988 and 1989

2183 KB

Response Bias in the Quarterly Agricultural Survey Hog Data December 1987 and March 1988

954 KB

Response Comparisons between Husbands and Wives for Farm Characteristics

636 KB

Response Errors in the Weighted Estimator

758 KB

Results of the December 1993 Farm Reconcilliation Study

1195 KB

Review of the Multiple and Area Frame Estimators

2452 KB

SRS List vs. Area Overlap Determination List Dominant and Frozen Domain Procedures

1575 KB

Sample Design for the 1985 ISP JES

1149 KB

Sample Designs for Panel Surveys of Agricultural Production

1777 KB

Sampling Methods in Agriculture

650 KB

Screening Residential Tracts for Agricultural Activity

1235 KB

Statistical Investigation of a Sample Survey for Obtaining Farm Facts (Pages 1-100)

4309 KB

Statistical Investigation of a Sample Survey for Obtaining Farm Facts (Pages 101-04)

132 KB

Study of Hog Balance Sheet and Alternative Ways to Ask Farrowing Questions (SRD Working Paper)

1005 KB

Summary of Results from Nebraska Survey Concept Study

493 KB

Survey Design and Estimation for Agricultural Sample Surveys

2209 KB

Survey Methods for Businesses, Farms, and Institutions Part I (Pages 1-100)

7081 KB

Survey Methods for Businesses, Farms, and Institutions Part I (Pages 101-12)

771 KB

Survey Methods for Businesses, Farms, and Institutions Part II (Pages 1-100)

6759 KB

Survey Methods for Businesses, Farms, and Institutions Part II (Pages 101-27)

2126 KB

Surveys with Overlapping Frames - Problems in Applications

400 KB

The Application of Multiple Frame Methodology

665 KB

The Commodity Weighted Estimator - An Analysis of 1987 June Agricultural Survey Data

1708 KB

The Construction of a Dry Bean Area Sampling Frame

690 KB

The Development of County Estimates in North Carolina

1732 KB

The Effect of Land Questions on the Multiple Frame Hog Survey

627 KB

The Effect of Refusals and Inaccessibles on List Frame Estimates

689 KB

The Effect of Response Rates of Various Control Data Mail Questionnaire Designs - Colorado

1264 KB

The Effect of Sampling Errors Resulting from Using a Livestock List with an Area Frame Sample

665 KB

The Effect of Telephone Enumerators and Evlauating a New Operation Description

1063 KB

The Effect of Using Historical Data in CATI Grain Stocks Enumeration in the March 1988 Agricultural Survey

1116 KB

The Effects of Brochures and Letters on Improving Mail Response Rates

903 KB

The Effects of Editing and a Review of Warning Errors from a CAPI IE Perspective

715 KB

The Effects of Male vs. Female Telephone Interviewers

1117 KB

The Effects of Omitting Acreage Questions and Modifying the Operation Description Section in Cattle Surveys (SRD Working Paper)

719 KB

The Effects of Omitting Acreage Questions and Modifying the Operation Description Section in Hog Surveys

1183 KB

The Effects on Data Collection Methods

1173 KB

The Feasibility of Obtaining the Social Security Number from Farm Operators and Its Use in Identifying the Overlap Domain in Multiple Frame Sampling

620 KB

The Influence of Using Previous Survey Data in the 1986 April ISP Grain Stocks Survey

2706 KB

The Master Sample of Agriculture

1380 KB

The Measurement of Response Bias in March 1988 Quarterly On-Farm Grain Stocks Data

1433 KB

The New California Area Frame A Statistical Study

2986 KB

The Ohio Turfgrass Survey

1671 KB

The Quaterly Agricultural Surveys

494 KB

The Results of Testing Three Imputation Procedures on Agricultural Land Value Data from the 1994 June Agricultural Survey

2680 KB

The Scope and Effect of Imputation in Quarterly Ag Surveys

2859 KB

The Statistical Reporting Service System

776 KB

The Use of California Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Use Data by NASS

1001 KB

The Use of Interpenetrating Sampling in Area Frames

934 KB

The Use of Unequal Probability Sampling to Reduce Respondent Burden

887 KB

Theoretical Aspects of the Crop Meter

1481 KB

Time Related Coverage Errors and the Data Adjustment Factor (DAF)

1181 KB

Use of FSA Tracts as a Sampling Frame for an Acreage Survey in Kansas

1967 KB

Use of Reinterview Techniques for Quality Assurance The Measurement of Response Bias in the Collection of December 1987 Quarterly Grain Stocks Data Using CATI

1390 KB

Weighting Class Adjustments for Nonresponse in Integrated Surveys

1684 KB



Last modified: 12/22/10