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CIA Statement on the Deaths of Civilian Contractors in Afghanistan

Press Release
October 28, 2003

On Saturday October 25, 2003, two civilian contractors working for the Central Intelligence Agency were killed during an ambush near Shkin, Afghanistan. The officers, William Carlson and Christopher Glenn Mueller, assigned to CIA’s Directorate of Operations, died while tracking terrorists operating in the region.

Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet said, “These two men were no strangers to the hardships of service to country. They had been counted among the best of America’s military.”

Before working for the CIA, Carlson, 43, of Southern Pines, North Carolina had extensive experience in Army special operations. Mueller, 32 of San Diego, California was a veteran of Navy special operations.

Tenet added, “With the Central Intelligence Agency, they continued their contributions to the security of the United States and the cause of freedom in the world. William Carlson and Christopher Mueller were defined by dedication and courage.”

“At this time of grief, my thoughts and prayers are with their families and friends. Their sacrifice - for the peoples of the United States and Afghanistan - must never be forgotten,” Tenet said.

The circumstances surrounding the tragic deaths of these two individuals were such that CIA determined that their names could be released publicly without compromising ongoing operations or any current intelligence activities. The Agency decision was also made after consulting with the officers' families.

Historical Document
Posted: Apr 12, 2007 07:58 AM
Last Updated: Jun 17, 2008 03:22 PM
Last Reviewed: Apr 12, 2007 07:58 AM