On Final Day of China Visit, Secretary Bryson Recognizes Top Five Tour Operators in Shanghai, Encourages More Travel to the United States

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Monday, May 7, 2012

Award recipients responsible for contributing over $126 million to the U.S. economy last year

Today, on the final stop of his weeklong trip to China, United States Commerce Secretary John Bryson presented certificates of appreciation to the top five tour operators in the Shanghai region. The awards were given for their "contributions to the development of travel and tourism from China to the United States, and their support of the U.S.-China relationship between the two peoples."
Before a crowd that included members of the Shanghai travel and tourism industry, local U.S. tourism industry representatives, as well as U.S. and Chinese government officials, Secretary Bryson emphasized the important economic and cultural impact the travel and tourism industry has on both nations.

"Travel and tourism between our countries is crucial to building stronger cultural and economic ties," said Secretary Bryson. "This generates greater understanding and friendship between our people. And yes, it also generates greater prosperity."

Secretary Bryson also took the opportunity to encourage more visitors, emphasizing that “our message to China and people across the globe is clear: the United States welcomes you.”
On average, each Chinese tourist spends approximately $5,200 per visit, meaning that in total the award recipients are responsible for contributing over $126 million to the U.S. economy last year.  
According to a recent Department of Commerce report, the number of international visitors traveling to the U.S. is expected to grow significantly, including over 65 million visitors in 2012 alone. The same report projects that visitors from China to the United States will grow at a rate of nearly 200 percent over the next five years.

Award recipients included:

  • Shanghai China International Travel Service Limited, who took over 3,500 Chinese travelers to the U.S. last year.
  • Shanghai Jinjiang Tours Company Limited, who took 4,500 Chinese travelers to the U.S. last
  • Shanghai China Youth Travel Service Corporation, who also took over 4,500 Chinese travelers to the U.S. last year.
  • Shanghai China Travel International Limited, who took over 4,300 Chinese travelers to the U.S. last year.  
  • Shanghai Airline Tours International Group Company Limited, who took 7,300 Chinese travelers to the U.S. last year.

The Secretary's full remarks, as prepared, from the event can be found here.

For additional information on the forecast for travel to the United States for 2011-2016, detailing the volume and percent change for all world regions and the top 40 countries, please visit http://www.tinet.ita.doc.gov/view/f-2000-99-001/index.html.