Independent Research and Development (IR&D) Database


The existing IR&D database contains over 175,000 descriptions of R&D projects initiated by DoD contractors but not performed under contract. Federal statute encourages IR&D by allowing contractors to claim a portion of their IR&D costs as part of the overhead in "cost plus" contracts. By reimbursing these costs, DoD encourages industry to explore new technologies with potential application to military systems. IR&D projects are performed to improve existing DoD products, meet dual use demands, or address a whole host of known or potential DoD requirements. The information is used to identify contractors with expertise in areas of interest to DoD and to avoid DoD duplication of industry efforts. This database is restricted to DoD DTIC-registered users.


In order for DOD Government employees to register for access to IR&D information in the DTIC Online Access Controlled (DOAC) system, please click here.


To submit new IR&D data go to Defense Innovation Marketplace.