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Economics Seminars

The Economic Analysis Group (EAG) presents a seminar series to advance recent economic analyses in the fields of industrial organization, antitrust, and applied microeconomics. Schedules are organized in the spring and fall.

Location: Seminars are held in the Liberty Square Building at 450 Fifth St. NW, 9th floor. The closest Metro stop is Gallery Place/Chinatown.
Time: Seminars take place 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. on Tuesdays unless otherwise noted.
Attendance: Seminars are free and open to the public, but prior arrangements must be made in order to pass through building security.
Contact: For more information or to arrange attendance, contact Nathan Miller ( or 202-307-3773) or Gloria Sheu ( or 202-532-4932).
Date Speaker Topic
Sept 6
(Thurs 2-3:30)

Severin Borenstein
Berkeley Haas

What Happened to Airline Market Power?
Sept 18

Nathan Wilson

For-Profit Status and Industry Evolution in Health Care Markets: Evidence from the Dialysis Industry
Sept 25

Judy Chevalier
Yale SOM

Promotional Reviews: An Empirical Investigation of Online Review Manipulation (joint with Dina Mayzlin and Yaniv Dover)
Oct. 9

Steve Salop
Georgetown Law

vGUPPI: Scoring Unilateral Pricing Incentives in Vertical Mergers (joint with Serge Moresi)
Oct. 16

Allan Collard-Wexler
NYU Stern

Reallocation and Technology: Evidence from the U.S. Steel Industry (joint with Jan De Loecker)
Oct. 23
(Tues 12-1)

Charles Taragin
Antitrust Division

Calibrating Demand Systems and Simulating Mergers: The Antitrust R Package (brownbag)
Nov. 6

Kevin Murphy
Chicago Booth

Direct Licensing, PROs and Competition
Nov. 13

Kate Ho

Hospital Choices, Hospital Prices and Financial Incentives to Physicians (joint with Ariel Pakes)
Nov. 27

Leslie Marx
Duke Fuqua

To Be Determined

Other area microeconomics seminars:

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