Title & AD Listing
Non-Lethal Weapons
ADM002089, Summer 2008

(Click on AD Number to retrieve full text PDF version of document)

Directed Energy Weapons

Defense Science Board Task Force on Directed Energy Weapons

Conflict Without Casualties: Non-Lethal Weapons in Irregular Warfare

Two Crowd Control Case Studies

Electronic Combat in Space: Examining the Legality of Fielding a Space-Based Disruptive Electromagnetic Jamming System

It is Called a Weapon for a Reason: The Need for Non-Lethal Weapon Specific Rules of Engagement

Non-Lethal Weapons: Considerations for the Joint Force Commander

Information Operations, Electronic Warfare, and Cyberwar: Capabilities and Related Policy Issues

The Use of Air Power for Maritime Homeland Defense

Army Science and Technology Analysis for Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations

Effectiveness of Non-Lethal Capabilities in a Maritime Environment

An Exploration of Equipping a Future Force Warrior Small Combat Unit with Non-Lethal Weapons

Are the Department of Defense Non-Lethal Weapon Capabilities Adequate for the 21st Century

Interdisciplinary Research Project to Explore the Potential for Developing Non-Lethal Weapons Based on Radiofrequency/Microwave Bioeffects

Human Performance Modeling Presentation/Brief

Effects of Facial Topography and Eyewear on the 94 GHz Beam

Air Force Operations in Urban Environments. Volume 1: Executive Summary and Annotated Brief

Modeling Sound as a Non-Lethal Weapon in the COMBAT(XXI) Simulation Model

The Limited Utility of Non-Lethal Weapons in Decisive Combat: War Still Means Fighting and Fighting Still Means Killing

Non-Lethal Weapons and Evolving Fundamentals of 21st Century Warfare

Phases III AND IV: A Dangerous Overlap

Killing Them Softly: At War with Children

Human Effectiveness and Risk Characterization of the Electromuscular Incapacitation Device - A Limited Analysis of the TASER. Part 2. Appendices

Airpower's Emasculation? -- Non-lethal Weapons in Joint Urban Operations

The Operational Aspect of Nonlethal Weapons; More Than Just a Tactical Capability

Operational Planning Considerations for the Use of Riot Control Agents in Military Operations Other Than War

Weapons: A Report on the Industry

Non-Lethal Weapons: Opportunities for R&D

Non-Lethal Weapons and Future Peace Enforcement Operations (Les armes non letales dans les operations d'imposition de la paix)

Free Fall Experimental Data for Non-Lethal Artillery Projectile Parts

Transforming How We Fight Through Effects-Based Operations and Non-Lethal Capabilities

Weapons: A Report on the Industry 2004

A Health Hazard Assessment for Blast Overpressure Exposures

Exploring New Concepts for Joint Urban Operations

Non-Lethal Weapons: Setting Our Phasers on Stun? Potential Stratetgic Blessings and Curses of Non-Lethal Weapons on the Battlefield

Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Discriminate Use of Force

Evaluating the U.S. Military's Development of Strategic and Operational Doctrine for Non-Lethal Weapons in a Complex Security Environment

An Evaluation of the Electrical Properties and Bio-Behavioral Effects of Four Commercially Available Tasers and the JAYCOR Sticky Shocker

Alternatives to Anti-Personnel Landmines (Solutions de remplacement aux mines antipersonnel)

Non-Lethal Chemical Weapons

Taser Area Denial Device: A Human Effects Review

Biological Effects of Directed Energy

NERD (Network Enabled Resource Device)

Proof of Principle for an 81-mm Nonlethal Mortar Cartridge

Non-Lethal Swimmer Neutralization Study

Policy Implications of Non-Lethal Weapons

Non-Lethal Weaponry: Applications to AC-130 Gunships

Defense Horizons. Number 9, March 2002. Nonlethal Capabilities: Realizing the Opportunities

Urban Close Air Support and Non-Lethality

Lack of Effects on Goal-Directed Behavior of High-Intensity Infrasound in a Resonant Reverberant Chamber

Support of JCATS Limited V&V

Non-Lethal Airburst Munition(s) for Objective Individual Combat Weapon

Non-Lethal Technologies for the Objective Force

An Analysis of the Strategic Application of Non-Lethal Weapons to Provide Force Protection

Conflict Prevention in the Information Age - Role of Military in Crisis

Non-Lethal Weapons and Strategic Policy Implications for 21st Century Peace Operations

Non-Lethal Weapons: Force Enabler for the Operatonal Commander Conducting Peace Operations

Crowd Behavior, Crowd Control, and the Use of Non-Lethal Weapons

WSTIAC: Weapon Systems Technology Information Analysis Center. Volume 2, Number 1, January 2001

War as We Knew It: The Real Revolution in Military Affairs/Understanding Paralysis in Military Operations

An Assessment of the Effects of Four Acoustic Energy Devices on Animal Behavior

Non-Lethal Weapons in Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations

The Potential Role of Non-Lethal Weapons in the Maritime Environment

Civil Disturbances. Incorporating Non-Lethal Technology; Tactics, Technique and Procedures

Design and Test of a Prototype Acoustic High-Intensity Infrasonic Test Chamber

The Operational Use of Non-Lethal Weapons

The Utility of Non-Lethal Weapons in Large-Scale Conflict

Technology Options to Leverage Aerospace Power in Operations Other Than Conventional War. Volume 2: Panel Reports

Technology Options to Leverage Aerospace Power in Operations Other Than Conventional War. Volume 1: Summary

Vortex Ring Generator: Mechanical Engineering Design for 100-kpsi Operating Pressures

Non-Lethal Weapons in Noncombatant Evacuation Operations

Joint Doctrine for Nonlethal Weapons.

Operational Planning Considerations for the Deployment of Nonlethal Weapons: A Commander's Guide

Replacing the Antipersonnel Landmine in the Force Protection Role

Non-Lethal Weapons in Conventional Combat Operations: Leveraging Capabilities or Violating the Rules of War?

Non-Lethal Weapons: A Place in the Tool Bag

A Supervised Autonomous Security Response Robot

Non-Lethal Operational Fires in Military Operations Other Than War

Planning Factors for Non Lethal Weapons in Counter Narcotic Operations

Non-Lethal Weapons: Applications in Maritime Interdiction Operations

NonLethal Weapons, NonLethal Policy, and Complex Contingencies

Injury Evaluation Techniques for Non-Lethal Kinetic Energy Munitions

Non-Lethal Weaponry: From Tactical to Strategic Applications

An Automated Security Response Robot

Multiservice Procedures for the Tactical Employment of Nonlethal Weapons (NLW)

New Weapons Provide Alternative for Marines Dealing with Non-Combatants

Biological Effects of Non-Lethal Weapons: Issues and Solutions

Military Use of Non Lethal Weapons. Evaluation Framework

Training Analysis and Feedback Aids (TAAF Aids) Study for Live Training Support

Rules of Engagement for Non-Lethal Weapons

U.S. Policy and the Uncertain State of Military Usage of Riot Control Agents.

The Strategic Implications of the Use of Nonlethal Force.

U.S. Military Intervention and the Role of Nonlethal Weapons

Non-Lethal Weaponry: A Framework for Future Integration

Non-Lethal Defense III, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland, February 25 & 26, 1998, Revised Agenda.

Filling an Operational Requirement: The Nonlethal Approach.

Non-Lethal Weapons and Conventional War: Facing the Commander's Issues and Dilemmas

Nonlethal Weapons: Impact and Utility Concerns for Operational Commanders in Future Conflicts.

Emerging Nonlethal Weapons Technology and Strategic Policy Implications for 21st Century Warfare.

Battlefield Optical Surveillance System (BOSS) - A HMMWV Mounted System for Non-Lethal Point Defense,

Naval Law Review, Volume 45

Extended Range Less Lethal Stand-Off Capabilities: A 66mm Stingball Grenade

A Scenario Based Methodology for the Selection of Non-Lethal Weapons

Non-Lethal Weapons Activities at ICT

Innovation in Non-Lethal Weapon Technology.

Vortex Ring Generator

Developments in Non-Lethal Payloads for 12-Gauge Shotguns and 40mm Grenade Launchers